Turdington Jones

She fit. 🤷

Awww man. See? That's why I love marie-fred and hate how they wrote her out. And amazing acting by keeso. 

Fuck you, Jonesy. Tell your mom to top up the cell phone she bought me so I can FaceTime her late night.

I imagine it’s more like Mr. Show’s Coupon: The Movie - everyone will be required by law to see it, whether they want to or not.

Put it up on a chalkboard in a college campus, maybe a janitor will figure it out.

i finally watched buckaroo banzai the other day, which was enlightening. 

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

You’re fun at parties, huh?

I like SBC, ergo I must be a Trumper Republican? Did you miss the part where he exposed Giuliani - Trump’s personal lawyer - for the pervert creep he is?

Oh now I get it. I forgot this website (and others on the humourless side of progressive politics) has issues with comedy and very specific and narrow rules about what comedy is and is not allowed to be, per the dogma. 

Masterworks these aren’t, you CAN go wrong.

To the Greys, a few points.

Calm down justice Kavanaugh 

Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and saying they were on your cognitive test?

I was like legitimately shocked how badly the Intercept

I’ll watch this as I loved that game yeah. The sorcerer vocation was bloody fun Masterworks all!

I don’t understand why you got so many stars. It looks like my old router. How did they make it so compact and the Xbox couldn’t? The graphics look the same to anything a PS4 Pro can do honestly. Nothing groundbreaking. I’d rather upgrade my PC.

your answer is the only acceptable defense. you win a free PS6, which will look like if a Blue Eyes White Dragon and Galvatron had a baby.

Has someone given that photo the Reservoir Dogs treatment yet?