Turdington Jones

I got some artifacts here and there, but I imagine the difference in internets between where we both live is pretty drastic. I also did it before we ended up getting FiOS, so I imagine I wouldn’t have any problems now.

The Switch has essentially been a Zelda content delivery system for me, as well as older games,

Did you try it when they offered the free demo? I was playing AC: Odyssey in 1080p on a browser tab and it was just as good as playing it on a console. I’m seriously looking into the same reasons you are, although I’ve found that when the kids want to watch something, the Switch has been really good for scratching any

Of course he did. That guy had a head like a peanut.

And what laws does that break again? If it’s illegal, why hasn’t he been charged with any crimes?

What crimes has Zuck committed that should put him in prison?

It’s so delightfully fun.

Did you watch their press conference? People were laughing at the from the very beginning. It was awesome.


Please, whatever god(s) Belichick prays to, please let him come to NE. I promise to up my goat and ram sacrifice this weekend if you allow this to happen. 

Oh no, we could. And it’s not that the box itself was brown, it’s that the Chex shown on the box were brown. And part of that is why we were so angry at him. At no point did it say Chocolate Chex on the box. 

When I was about 21, I would bring my 16 year old brother up to the house I was staying in, and me and my roommates would get him drunk and stoned and all that fun stuff. One night, we had gotten super baked and he was insisting that a box of Chex we had was chocolate, because “they were brown on the box”, despite

Fair point about writers pen, but like I said, it’s been common knowledge, i.e. confirmed at least as far back as ‘97. But every now and then I guess they depower the little turd or put a governor on his power set. I mean, he was creating new realities at the end of Secret War.

I’m pretty sure that it’s been common knowledge since at least the Onslaught Saga that Franklin Richards was the most powerful mutant in the MCU. That’s why Onslaught wanted to absorb him. Plus there’s the whole thing about him becoming the next Galactus...

Nah, I don’t know if being a “full time gamer” would help. It’s just motion sickness of some sort. I have a friend that’s played video games for decades. Can’t do FPS’s at all. 

I hope he finds what he’s looking for in this crazy world. Probably gonna be a lot of Crunch Wrap Supremes, but that’s cool.

Fuck, I miss Jim Anchower. I wonder what he’s up to these days?

Really? The only game that’s induced any sort of nausea in me was the newest Blair Witch game, but it’s got something to do with how they animate the characters walking and looking around.

It’s not an hour long? Because I can blast through Katamari in about that time.

Katamari is such a fantastically fun game to play. I’ve probably beaten the damn thing 100's of times, but I’ll never get tired of rolling up everything in the entire galaxy when my katamari gets big enough.

Also, the King of the Cosmos’ fantastic bulge is just one of many great things about this game. I wish they’d

Only for four months.

*four months later*

Okay, seriously, it’s only going to be an additional two months, there’s nothing to worry about.

*as I’m being put in the ground*

“Can you believe this asshole took Charlie Baker at his word?”