Turdington Jones

Well, to be fair, when Edgar was pushing for the more traditional wedding, he didn’t know that Gretchen was gobbling his “hardcore stuff” pills from his medicine cabinet. 

I’m calling it now: this show is going to end exactly the same way it began: with Jimmy and Gretchen standing outside of a wedding that isn’t theirs.

A lot of farting, fist bumps, and the occasional accidental glimpse of an old man’s dong.


I think the main argument should be “No one wants to see an old man get a hand job.”. 

As a white guy so fucking white that I have to use lead-based sunscreen, otherwise I will erupt into flame upon exposure to the sun, I say: Eh, who cares? They’re his movies, he gets to cast whom he wants. Do I, Whitey McWhitey, get hurt by that? Fuck no. This literally does nothing to me. I’m glad that Peele is

Looks like it’s been a rough couple of years for Axel, because he has put on some pounds. 

I would agree with Antichrist Superstar, which despite being Manson’s best record is still mega cringey. But the downward spiral is still a top notch record, and I would posit that most teen boys got into it because they knew it would piss off their parents and totally missed most of the depth there. I say this

Ennis’ main problem is that he fucking hates superhero books, but he finds himself working in a field that is mostly that. There’s not really a market for his other books, so he does shit like ‘The Boys’, which was mostly okay, except for when it had to point out how shit the concept of capes and solitaire masks were.

Frank Miller pre or post-9/11? Because post-9/11, he turned into a goddamned psycho. ‘Holy Terror’ is one of the worst books I’ve ever read.

I don’t know if that’s the truth for the whole movement. I think there might have been a small degree of neckbeards that thought that, but by and large it was about using something, in this instance video games, to shit on women and make them feel insignificant. 

Don’t you ever fucking feel guilty about giant robots. Robots, on their own, are fucking cool. And when you make them bigger, all you do is amplify how goddamned cool they are. Never back down from the giant robots. It is a worthy hill to die on and if the robot gods will it, some day I shall see you in mecha Valhalla.

I don’t know, man. As shitty as Jimmy is, Gretchen is downright fucking toxic. But, I’m not giving up on them and I think that the series is going to end as it began:  with the two of them standing out front of a wedding and talking to each other.  

Let’s be honest with ourselves here: they’re not getting married.

And Peter Parker got a nice box of Christmas meat out of it, too. 

Unsure of what that would have to do with the size of your bandwidth. Input data is several orders of magnitude smaller than streaming 4k textures...

No, you don’t. But you still have to stream data continuously. 

Netflix says you need about 25Mbps for 4k video, Amazon says 15. I think they know what they’re talking about.

And one very purty mouth, if I remember correctly.