Be still, my heart...
Be still, my heart...
No thanks, I’m good. My experiences with it have left me soured on it forever. More for you.
It’s not great. I went to Bulgaria last summer to visit the wife’s family, and we got a bottle from one of her friends, cherry rakia. It was...I guess it was pleasant after a whole bunch of beers. But by itself? No thank you.
I would think anything that gets you drunk would be good in that situation. However, having consumed both mass produced rakia and the home made stuff(which I swear you could have powered a rocket sled with), I still say that we’re better off using it to degrease an engine like the good lord intended.
Yep. It’s pretty much like kerosene and there’s no reason to consume it, ever. The Italians are getting the world back for something with that slop.
Paint thinner is an apt descriptor. I would also accept “tequila that went bad sometime last century’.
Grappa is a vile, vile concoction. I had a friend that was stationed in Italy and he brought some of that slop home for me because I HAD TO FUCKING TRY IT. So I did. And got fucked up. I’m not entirely convinced it wasn’t some sort of cruel prank on his part.
While we’re on the topic of shitty regional liquors, stay…
Hey now, Tiffany is my favorite.
I don’t think anyone has to worry about the NC election now. That guy couldn’t even beat two hillbilly bootleggers over a number of years, despite having solid evidence of their wrong doing AND a police department under his thumb.
Oh my god. That would be such a trash heap of a film. Now I need to see it and I think I might hate you for putting that in my head.
I should, because it would be so hilariously awful...
You should feel bad about wanting this.
Never in a million years, even though I want nothing more than a Nextwave movie.
That show was fucking awesome. Best line for me was after Hancock and Adams shot automatic weapons: “This is exactly what we had in mind!”. And making Paul Revere a total psychopath was awesome.
Norm, is that you?
I’m only commenting on this so I can see all the people burn your ass into oblivion, you dumb fuck.
What’chu talkin’ ‘bout, Purple? Where you goin’ with this? Don’tchu know why they took you off the force?
A candidate’s “likability” has never been something I cared about. They’re not running for Student Council President, they’re running for the Presidency of the United States. It’s not, nor should it ever be, a fucking popularity contest.
They should have actually gotten Mick Mars to play him.
Why don’t you like cartoons for perverts, Drew?