
I didn’t even see this post before I posted the same video.

Now playing

If your gonna be talking about British topics, stick with a Limey talking about their stuff,vnot some wise cracking Colonial.

Young and naive is a great thing to be.  Better than old, corrupt, and fucking dumb as shit like this idiot. 

Front loading washer.

As your article states, Munro is talking about gross profit, not net. SG&A are not factored into gross profit.

Mmmhmm. This is the reason why I didn’t want to try to get myself out of my race car when I got flipped over. As long as I didn’t see or smell bits on fire, hanging there until people who know what they’re doing arrived seemed like the better option. I’d just taken two hard hits to the back of the car and wasn’t sure

It’s really depends on the situation. If there’s blood loss try to stop it. Apply pressure.

Thank you for your service sir. Where would you recommend bystanders draw a line the “life threatening? How about visible blood loss? It’s going to be hard for a non medical person to say if any visible bleeding is life threatening.

Hi, current Firefighter/EMT and former Army Combat Medic here.

It is of course different in how it operates, but the concept (lifting off on the gas pedal to drag the car down from speed) is the same. In practice, it functions BETTER than engine braking, because you can slow the vehicle down even more. It takes some getting used to, as with any new vehicle you drive, but once you

i do this while driving my semi. with the added jake brake, i hardly hit the brake pedal until a good 20 feet from needing to completely stop.

Its actually pretty great, and I’m saying that as a die hard, row-my-own, always had a manual transmission driver. We have a Tesla Model S P85, and the regen braking feels like very strong compression braking, which gives the car a driving experience much more similar to our other manual transmission cars (past and

Have you actually tried it? It’s very enjoyable and relaxing in practice...

Any competent manual-transmission driver has been doing this for years. Its harder in a car with an automatic transmission with free-wheeling because you don’t get much of an engine-braking effect. When I took driver’s ed. in 1971 the teacher told us that, for skilled drivers, brakes are for traffic lights, stop

I... what?

Ordered to complete his GED? Did I read that right? How is that a prerequisite to getting this guy off the street and away from kids? Also, “May” end up going to prison? He made a sex tape with a kid! WTF is going on in that courtroom?

Heads up: I will consider blocking anyone whose response to this is anything resembling “I DON’T GET IT I’M OLD”