
This is its entire appeal!!! looks like it was built using Geocities technology. I’ll stick to Strava for now, thank you very much.

I feel like if you have to tell a spy to not voluntarily wear something called a “tracking device” then they need to take some remedial Spy classes. I’ve never been a spy myself, but I’ve seen enough movies/tv/novels/YouTube videos/episodes of Cheaters to know that I should attempt to avoid “tracking devices” if I

“everyone uses/knows metric” is on my list of sensible Genie wishes.

But there are a few weird holdouts, for various historic reasons, like England, Australia and Japan that have cars with steering wheels on the right.

Volkswagen Engineer 1: Hey Hanz? What if we constructed some sort of chamber, put monkeys in it and then filled it full of poisonous gas?

GM also has a truck that is long in the tooth, where-as Ford just redesigned theirs.

The industry brains say the GM attack ads have not been effective against Ford. Ford has gained market share since the Al F150 was introduced.

I never understood the adds. Like we’re gonna throw a 300lb box corner down. This one tore a hole. this one tore less of a hole. our truck is better. Who the fuck gives a shit?

I need an explanation. Was it being “washed” with a cannon?

Dafuq kind of sponge are you washing your car with?!?

PSA: You’re not supposed to use this to wash your car.

My parents always used the proven hang a tennis ball from a string trick when I was a kid.

1. I agree.

2. Go to work as a cop and then tell us again, you asshat.

The officer almost got run over.

I can’t blame him for having his weapon drawn, and assuming the suspect was hostile.

Slam the car into a solid object at 40 mph and every piece of glass (that’s not covering a headlamp) remains intact. Pretty amazing how far we’ve as far as auto safety is concerned.