
If I were to get a Phantom, I’d be wanting to be able to pair my phone over Bluetooth, remote start the car, WITH automatic climate control so that it will automatically either pre-cool or pre-heat the interior cabin to a set temperature (possibly using phone-as-a-key), have AWD, and make it a plug-in hybrid. It

Yeah, I’ve driven through Illnois, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts and all of those are cheaper and they’re also state-wide systems too, and they’re all cheaper than the ETR. (Again, with the potential exception being the 495/95 Express, but I couldn’t get

There was a point in time, when the traffic was so bad that we actually beat out Los Angeles for the worst traffic in the Guiness Book of Records (on the stretch of 401 by the airport).

The ON-407 ETR is one of THE most expensive toll highway either in the US or in Canada. And this is including the Penn Pike.

Yes, you should!

How are you able to drive INTO your own headlights???

I think that you’re only half-considering one of the most critical points that Tom’s talking about: time.

I would’ve laughed so hard if the tires bite and launched his car into a light standard or something...

Oh the other hand though, @G42dog is incorrect in talking about the financial viability of Tesla Motors being that it STILL hasn’t turn a profit yet. Ever.

The F150 with the 2.7L turbo V6 is amazing. I was pleasantly surprised when I had it as a loaner for a week.

“I find it funny that despite 4-6 extra gears, cylinder deactivation, etc trucks today get exactly the same mileage real world as they did 20+ yrs ago....”


“Maybe a metric that extrapolatesconsumption for WOT 0-60 runs if you were to do them 100 times in a row. “

“The test has to be done in a vacuum (not literally). 72 degrees, sea level, calm winds, etc. Ideally on a closed course.”

To your second point, what you’re talking about is basically RDE which is part of WLTP, which currently doesn’t happen in the US.

I can’t help but feel like American emissions tests are more on the unrealistic side than not. What would happen if we had a WLTP-style reckoning here? And would that happen?”

Short answer, no, you can’t.

US06 goes upto 80.3 mph (129.2 km/h).

I would LOVE for people who talk so romantically about driving a manual - to explain what and where would be the fun of “driving” a manual in ^THAT.

“This is when Ash78 chimed in with, honestly, a great idea.”