
Excellent points, all. The electric drivetrain is delightfully simple and small. I’ve always been amazed how Tesla was able to easily get AWD by just adding another motor and diff at the front axle. There’s maintenance benefits as well: No oil changes (engine + trans), longer brake life. Give me a 500 mile range

He’s missed a big one: perfect traction control. With an electric motor you can modulate torque to 1% or better, 20,000 times per second. Individually to each wheel, if you have dual or quad motors.

“The answer, according to the Seebachans’ lawyer Todd Tracy, can be explained by the concept of shear panels, which, like shear walls on a house, act to stabilize the structure from deformation:”

Surprised she didn’t complained about the smell of their disgusting cheese.

That Northern VA traffic is no joke. I used to have to go north in the morning, and south in the evening. I would run the entire 495 beltway every day. I was entering it at 4 o’clock to get to work located at Tyson’s corner about 7 o’clock.

“I don’t think my fast food order has ever required a police intervention”

These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out

Well, “Maybe?” is a lot better than I was expecting. I didn’t even know thrust reversers were a thing.

As an airline engineer whose job function is the nacelles (includes thrust reversers) the best response I’ve got is “Maybe?”

This is true. Thats why Jesus invented PIREPS.

But usually the wind speed is lower close to the ground. Once he had the nose close to the centerline, he should have started centering the rudder. He was late centering the rudder, which caused the oscillation.

Nah it was FnF16: Düsseldorf Drift

Copilot: “So all I have to do is put the starboard engines in reverse and the port engines at full power, and I can do donuts in an A380?”
Pilot: “Yes, that is correct.”
Copilot: “OK. This is definitely a good idea.”
Pilot: “Totally.”

I’m a teacher with a history degree that wants to teach in the museum field, and who loves cosplay and ren fests. What I’m trying to say is, I think I just figured out my dream job.

10/10 can confirm that ball-walking = bigger calves. My BF has tendon damage on the sides of his feet*, and after decades of basically tiptoeing around, dear GOD he has the shapeliest calves I have ever seen on a man. I can’t even look at him flex his legs because the muscle definition is just.... Michelangelo levels

They have a few of these medieval reenactment villages sprinkled throughout Europe. I tried to convince my girlfriends to go to one for a Girl’s Trip and they’re still laughing.

I’ve actually fallen down the Bubonic Plague YouTube video rabbit hole of late. You think times are shitty right now, you’ve clearly never bled from your armpits, friends. It’s oddly comforting.

Saw this yesterday and was delighted! I had no idea this guy existed, and it turns out he’s full of wonderful trivia like this! I write a lot of fanfiction for a medieval fantasy series (you can probably guess which one if you know my username) and now I’m going to be devouring his videos so I can be a more accurate