
I’m totally shocked that a man who made his career objectifying women would abuse them and treat them as disposable. Shocked.

I autocrossed some ATS and CTS-Vs recently lol

Mom’s a good sport, and deserves a prize.

Alanis & Mom for hosts on new car enthusiast show!!

It eats up her rear tires every 19,000 miles. She’s reconsidering. LOL

Hey, thanks so much! My mom and I both appreciate it, a lot!

That was wholesome AF.

Don’t worry, there won’t be much money left after she spends it all supporting her new drag racing habit.

If you ever drive in England you’ll find it’s just the same but without the smooth asphalt and sense of lane discipline. *This* is why Brits famously “think 200 miles is a long way”. Because it can take half a day!

Also, work in safety for an OEM who is also very safety-oriented. This was a fascinating read to be sure!

Thanks for this Kristen. I work in vehicle safety for another OEM, and it’s really fascinating to see the difference between how we do things and how Volvo does things. They are totally opposite sides of the spectrum, and although one approach isn’t necessarily better than the other, it’s very enlightening to have

This is a good post.

Before anybody starts to complain about “unnecessary” regulations / standards / mandates: Don’t forget about the added weight and cost associated with:

TBH, that’s almost a bigger crime than bribing your way onto the track, haha.

Can we also call attention to this ding-dongs actually writing out “3 a.m. in the morning”?

Many successful people are very proud of their failures. Just look at my first 2 kids.

I had a professor in college who, once or twice a semester, would have one of his classes over for a dinner party, where the only rule was not discussing class. When I went to one of these, I used the facilities, and realized that he had wallpapered his entire bathroom with...rejection letters from editors. He had