
I mean, he does have an mechanical engineering degree. But being able to actually explain it is a rare talent.

further evidence for why david tracy is probably the smartest writer in automotive journalism right now. but let’s be clear that by “smartest,” i don’t mean vapid intellectualism; i mean this: david takes the science and engineering behind new materials and breaks them down in an accessible way. this is rare. really

Absolutely depends on the implementation. And also, there’s always a button to turn it off for these sorts of situations. If it’s a system that is triggered to restart by the gas pedal, then it’s a shit system and won’t work well. Others that are triggered by you taking your foot off the brake are much, much better. I


Incredible. That’s dedication.

Floodwaters can move fast. Getting out of the truck = going in whatever direction the water does, which is not necessarily a direction that keeps your head from getting immediately bashed in, swimming ability or no swimming ability.

One of the more interesting things about this story is one you only touched on. KHOU’s station was flooding and the staff had to move upstairs to continue broadcasting. However, the entire station soon lost the ability to send anything out to the transmitter and the station told Brandi that “she was it, you’re all we

yep the fact that no one has figured this out yet is appaling. there is alot more to towing a trailer full of stuff than just low-stacked weights. enclosed trailers pull WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different than an open trailer.

Hey, you! You in that white BMW E60 M5 with the single greatest vanity license plate ever. We see you. And we love

Oh! Well, in that case...

Long story short, they’re micro managing how we run our business when they’re just a client, hence why they should fuck off... Also, I’m expecting an amazing response from you since I’m publicizing my work problems on a automotive website

Magnificent, isn’t it?

FK failed to sneak.  FK arrived then was asked to leave. Chucchinchilla stayed for the show and enjoyed the fanciest of things.

what do u mean “the good old days” this is my now

And this is why I love your writing... Any chance you can help me draft a response to a client email?

Bitch, please. As if I’d be seen in something as basic as a Russian submarine.

5/5 Mustangs: When the out of control Mustang hits spectators/pedestrians. Threat level: Run for your life.

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.