
after Trump put Neo-Nazis on the same moral level as people who despise Neo-Nazis

See, the thing is he did this. There is video. And transcripts. This is no longer about First Amendment and free speech rights (which Jesus Christ, people, learn what is actually protected by the 1st Amendment).

David Duke loved it.

“Yes Osama Bin Laden is bad, but we must not forget that other people are also bad.”

did the the people carrying torches and guns come to have a peaceful dialog or to threaten and intimidate??

Doesn’t that require ellipses, or at least periods? Commas aren’t a short enough pause for Shat.

Hey guys, we found the asshole of the day.

Some very fine people on both sides

I seem to recall the original Durangos having some measure of off-road capability.

Look at how much work the body mount is doing!

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

Yeah, I guess it’s best to just focus on the part where she got away and not discuss the horrifying full story.

Oh good they got caught.