
Have you done a risk analysis to compare the chances of you broadsiding a truck that ran the light vs. the odds that a disgruntled road rager opens fire when you slow for the green?

That and when that arrow turns green for a left turn, look both ways anyways. Don’t just lurch into the intersection.

This shit is why I still slow down and I look most of the time that I have a green light. Yes you’re right, it’s your right of way, and the other guy is an asshole if they run the light, but being right doesn’t keep you from dealing with the consequences of several tons of metal slamming into you.

It is crazy the amount of effort that went into doing this. I love how the last landing in the roof-less bouncy castle was the one to break the roof-less bouncy castle as well.

Fun fact: The lubrication engineers at the OEM I worked at sat in a 4 man cubical known as “The Lube Cube”. Their opinion supports yours in that even the cheapest modern oil does a great job as long as it’s changed regularly.

I’m a 20-year Blackstone customer and didn’t even realize they did this. I’m glad to see somebody is making use of Big Data to NOT sell me something for a change.

Good! Send their asses to Car and Driver, where they still swear the Corvette isnt midengine.

The original flying car.

Makes sense, I just thought the cartels had switched over to meth and Opiates only these days, and the occasional kilo of blow for old time’s sake.

Haha, I remember that write-up and, you know, the value you guys quoted in the article isn’t really that cheap anymore. It was well over $1000 a pound, so certainly not “curiously” cheap. You can easily get an 1/8 of solid quality weed (people would call it chronic on the black market) in Colorado for $25-$30 out the

Why don’t they just drive to work this morning?

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.

I wouldn’t have thought grandmas were a target demographic for Raptors.

This is virtually the exact same thing that happened when Nissan moved to Nashville several years ago. 25% attrition is about right. The other 75% suddenly realized that they could sell their cardboard box and cat food to someone in LA, then move to Brentwood, TN, and buy a 10,000 sf mansion with Al Gore and Carrie

Sorry I’m gonna be that guy, Toyota was based in Torrance that’s the South Bay not West L.A., Right off the 405 on Western and 190th. 10 minutes from Redondo, Manhattan and Hermosa Beach 30 minutes from LAX, Downtown L.A. and Long Beach. So either that or you know Plano Texas. Home of JCPenney HQ.

Except for the hellacious parking on weekends up at the Shops. To hell with that noise then. Just go to Katy Trail Icehouse and listen to awful, drunk, single 30-something women bitch about being single for some inexplicable reason.