
The difference between “imperial stout” vs. manuals is that the vast majority of Americans WILL spend most of their time (even in a manual) in top gear for most of the driving/commuting that they do than not.

I’m not so certain if that’s actually the ultimate mode of failure.

And THIS is part of the reason why Ontario has a 50 km/h immediate roadside seizure and upto $10k fine and 6 month driving suspension because of stuff like this. The police got so fed up with street racing, notably in Markham, but also in the GTA in general, that they implemented that law.


“(Fun fact: Whenever we’re critical of Tesla we’re either accused of being “shorts”, or pawns for Big Oil, which sees a sometimes-struggling electric car company with less than 2 percent of U.S. market share as an existential threat. Now here’s a Big Oil country potentially taking a big stake in Tesla.)“

“How do you not notice any of this happening?”

Usually, the primary reason - again - MONEY.

So, let me start off with this:

It also depends on how tall you are.

Short answer:

“so you’ll get to do the same when people don’t like your message, is one of the things America has always been great for.”

I would LOVE to see what the CVT would look like that can handle 1000+ Nm of torque and 700+ kW of power that can still actually FIT in a car rather than BE the car.

Or a Prius:

Or a Prius:

This is more or less what I was going to write as well.

Sometimes though, the downside with having a sunroof is either the loss of head room and/or the risk/potential risk for corrosion on the inner side of the sunroof itself (where the metal is where the glass mounts to).

Please tell me, that for a car enthusiast site, y’all know to crack the rear, opposite window to relieve the buffeting pressure, right?

Fuck. Chrome crashed again. Lost my reply.

I’m waiting for African-Americans getting angry over his use of the n-word the way they get angry over pretty much ANYBODY else using the n-word...

How much you want to bet that the reason why the safety coordinator was talking to the people might actually be because they were COMMITTING SAFETY VIOLATIONS???