
I would like to see a list of those 60 physical/analog controls.

“normal hybrid”

I’m still not sure about the background behind your question. (Doing a search for “profit”, your question is the first thing that pops up, meaning that nowhere else in the article does it even mention that.) Hence my question about the background to your question.

If I understand the question correctly, Koch brothers would still profit since autonomous cars still sell cars. Public transit removes a FEW cars.

Of COURSE they would.

Because companies would NEVERRR lie to you.


Now playing

“The “weaving” tends to come from people needing to pass on the left, then the right. It’s not weaving if you just move over to pass, then move back.”

In the State of Michigan, this law actually DOESN’T apply for highways with more than two lanes.

And this is how you start to get cars that are constantly weaving in and out of traffic.

Read an entirely different way, the Spirit of Ecstacy hood ornament could be looked at in a WHOLE different light now.

“I’ve researched and discussed the C Corp switch with my accountant to death-doesn’t save me any money unfortunately.”

But again, the point that I am trying to show you or highlight to you in terms of how and why that won’t ever fly no matter how much you wish it so, is because people who are on the lower income scale tend to use percents to try and go “look at how much I’m paying” and people on the higher income scale tend to use

No argument here.

“I get this point, 1k to the 10k earning individual is alot more.

“That’s not a loophole.”

“I too get all my news from comedians-they are well known for deep policy dives. Oh wait-no I don’t and no they aren’t.”

I feel bad/sorry for you that you don’t get ANY credits when you file your taxes and/or that you can’t use either the standard deduction NOR the itemized deduction and/or that you don’t get a refund by the end of tax season each year.

“Corporations actually pay a very high tax rate”

But here is the problem with flat taxes (or anything really that has to do with money and contributions).