
BWAHAHAHA....awww did the wittle snowflake get triggered??? BWAHAHAHA.....

“It appears that this driver failed to adhere to our standards and he was immediately suspended as part of the ongoing investigation of this serious incident.” 

Spending on stuff more wisely/more efficiently is a separate question from spending less/generating less revenue.

Now playing

When was the last time that you read your State’s budget appropriations bill and/or your federal budget appropriations bill?

“Foreign” electronics in cars used to spy on America/Americans?

“The prison system in the US has a ton of issues, but slavery it is not.”

It’s no wonder why so many Europeans don’t think that Americans can and know how to drive.


“I don’t agree with eye-for-an-eye punishments, but I can understand it. I’m not sure why that’s so hard for you to differentiate. I don’t agree with, nor do I understand, ownership of another human being.”

This is what happens when you have a celebrity president for real.

Of COURSE Fox News would do that...

How that angry?

You DO realise that with indentured servitude, they have the possibility/potential to get their life back.

So....death > indentured servitude for life?

This is a case where I think that it’s too bad that slavery went the way of the dodo.

Nothing new. This has been his plan all along.

Why is it always the stupid ones that drive WAYYY too fast for the conditions???

Damn electronic nannies!!!

“34.8 degrees Celsius (94.6 degrees Celsius)“

Here comes the Tesla/Elon Musk fanbois.