Señor Sauce Toss

I don't have a lawn, but I've recently purchased a square foot of sod to practice should that someday change .

Seems pretty reasonable.

Right now, I'm two episodes behind on Arrow. I'm six episodes behind on Vikings. Because I don't have to watch them. I might even save them for summer.

The DVR and torrents killed the "everyone watches the same show at the same time on the same night" culture a decade ago. It's never coming back. And Netflix binge shows aren't what's keeping that from happening.

You stole my line.

I think Feige said in an interview that they are skipping the origin sorry because it's probably the most well known they have. Not quite as well known as Batman and Superman maybe, but close.

2004? Try 1989.

Is 12 monkeys actually worth the slog? I got annoyed rather quickly last year, maybe only two or three episodes in.

I wouldn't put that at the Mr. Robot level, but it is an enjoyable sci-fi mystery.

My exact experience. When they started sleeping with each other, I rolled my eyes and moved on.

Fine is subjective. You know what else is fine? Rejecting those movies for those same reasons. It puts one in pretty good company, right there with Christopher Tolkien who says thanks for the money but rot in hell before you can have any more rights, Mr. Jackson.

Have they made their budget back yet? Cause that's when they wise up, if not after one massive loss than after so many.

Reading this just now. I blame you for Buckholz.

How is that different from what I've said? Baseball writers do not have a theological power of declaring universally what is or is not good sportsmanship.

The idea that celebrating victories during the game shows a lack of sportsmanship is unique to baseball.

Now that's going too far, sir. The AV Club barely qualifies as media.

It's his little known brother, Roger Chan

When a slug really loves a pig head, they figure it out.

Everyone looks like a sexier Ted Cruz. It's axiomatic.

You owe me upvotes for upvoting that, just so you know