Señor Sauce Toss

Could flipping large objects over be better use of our energy? I see some cars just asking for it.

I wish I was a little bit taller.

Musicians turn the management of rights over to large companies, who then release access to the catalog rather than individual songs. They don't usually even need to tell the rights company which songs in the catalog they plan to use. The artists already surrendered their right to know up front and approve every

That's because rights don't work that way. People aren't calling musicians every time they want to use a song. Musicians turn that all over to conglomerate rights management groups, and rights to catalogs are acquired rather than individual songs.

If only I had a dollar for every time I've seen Thomas and Martha Gonzales gunned down.

Was God's mother named Martha?

It's troublesome, but I often feel the same way. But it's easier for me because the majority of times I do this, it's with a writer who is dead, possibly long dead.

I bet it was "cash checks, sip lemonade by pool"

There's four, actually. The last is 3001: The Final Odyssey. And I believe there is someone working on 2061.

The selection of what is available all day varies regionally. Biscuits are only available in a few places in the South, mainly.

It certainly wasn't a bad movie at all. But I think it was more inspired by Tonka's Rock Lord toys from the 80s than any religious materials.

If you don't put messages about God on any cake for anyone, you don't have to. If you don't put messages about God for "those people" then you will be sued or charged a crime and close.

I woke up to someone I respect, though mostly because I like his fiction not his personality, posting that it means liberals think you don't have a right to earn a living if you don't do as we say.

We already examined this issue and decided that telling people they have to drive halfway across a continent to be served is more stupid than saying "serve the public or don't open"

I hope so. I've already cast him as Venellope in my live action Wreck It Ralph. If he can't play her convincingly, this whole project will collapse.

Or she's going to team up with Mad Mordigan to save Elora Danan. It's an option.

Stephen Colbert?

You've got to peel the pages apart. They're all gold lined.

This year of all years, I don't think we can view getting a "reality" television show as putting a politician out to pasture. It could be the new "law degree and a few minor offices"

He really didn't.