Señor Sauce Toss

I also watch for Crowley, but obligation is the majority motivator.

The racist rhetoric has the kids I work with getting into spats, even kids who won't be able to vote for the next President never mind this one.

Mine is Jennifer Aniston also. I might be misunderstanding the question.

In addition, asking the lock maker to assign employees to research and development of a skeleton key that has never been made before and might drive clientele to a competitor rather than developing things that, you know, generate revenue.

I still enjoy the My First Sony jingle

The box adds a unique watermark from which they could identify and prosecute.

And such a broad generalization is super bright?

The idea gets pitched a lot, but it keeps becoming more and more viable as technology leaps in between each pitch.

I can't believe how many people in the comments don't see the market for this. I understand not seeing that you would personally use it, but I can easily see the market. People pay a similar amount for UFC fights and that often ends up to be twenty minutes of entertainment spaced across four hours.

I don't watch this show, but does this title mean they tried to watch the Goosebumps movie and walked away? Cause that's what I did.

Why or? Can't I call them gay bro hipster millennial Nazis?

Bob looks like Adam Sandler in that shot. I hope someone got fired.

My 64 year old mother will be bummed.

Fable Legends was going to be a free-to-play game? I guess I'm glad it was cancelled and hope they close the studio before I get there with torches.

Although the Giants fans around us did seem to think that if I didn't know everything about every single goal line play the Pats had used that year, I wasn't a real football fan and didn't deserve to be there or some shit. That was probably the only negative moment, making a joke about Maroney going over the top and

Although the latest crap hadn't happened, I didn't experience that post-spygate. And despite the eventual end to the season, watching the Pats when they entered East Rutherford 15-0 with my Giants fan girlfriend was some of the most fun I ever had.

For me it was Murder House and Coven. The last few episodes of Murder House I forced myself through. But Coven I hatewatched. That was amazingly terrible.


I can't wait for next year's edition of "Will I make it to the end of this year's American Horror Story?"