Señor Sauce Toss

You should have seen the number of times they made him take the same social studies class each year. "Maybe if you hear everything five or six times a day, you'll finally move to ninth grade next year"

You know what they say . . . tape trading ain't no fun if the homies can't have some.

*The McCarthys

Of course the Real O'Neals will be successful. Just like the McCarthys! Ugh.

If that happens, I will no longer regret the five minutes I spent trying to watch the Fuller House pilot.

New Jersey?

True. It's more of a "this venue is slightly painful to get to" versus "this venue is incredibly painful to get to"

I hate that venue in Boston. Always leads to excessive transportation expenses.

Vote for me, and I'll make abortion legal all the way up to age 16.

I forgot. But here in NH they don't poke me in the eye. They just stomp on my foot. Then kick me in the knee. Yankees suck, go pats.

Rentals, while some systems actually do send money back to the filmmakers now, are still not the same as box office.

I have seen him live six times. Never gets old.

Romani ite domum

Donuts are sacred. So no.

Photoshopped, obvi

Of course not, bad medicine is what I need. Shake it up.

I missed the Lone Gunmen cameo. I had to go find a review that was more of a plot summary to locate it then fast forwarded just to see it with my own eyes. Yeah I hope that isn't all we get too.

I only knew one of these songs prior. Like box or pussy or cunt.

My parents get Prime. I get Netflix. We share.

Popular theory among these wingnuts is that Leonard Nimoy did the actual deed. Yes, that Leonard Nimoy. No, I don't know why they think he's still alive — I didn't want to dig any deeper.