Señor Sauce Toss

Dunno about the Americans, but Justified season 6 has been up for awhile.

Personally I don't find him all that excellent when it comes to music. Just lyrics. Pretty standard structures and rhythms, really. I'd nominate him for a Nobel Prize in Literature (as Bob Dylan has been a few times) before AotY.

Is that the chorus or the verse? That's standard for a chorus. Most are repetitive and have a tendency toward cliche and tired tropes that would be completely unacceptable if the same words were put forward as poetry.

The Grammys reward excellence in marketing over excellence in music. It's true even in the less popular categories. My parents are blues fanatics, and I really doubt Buddy Guy had the best album of 2015. The most accessible to non-blues fans maybe. The most well-known in the genre, for sure. But the best? Doubtful.

That could make sense, but only if talking to strangers in line was common. It's not. The last time it happened to me was years ago. And that was a drunk person at a bar. Pretty sure that doesn't change in the UK.

Tipping and service culture have very little, if not nothing, to do with talking to strangers you are waiting in line with. Which is what, as far as I understood, was being complained about. In fact, later he jokes about even the cashier thinking it's okay to talk, which I found tongue in cheek. But since it came

America is a big place. This is not true everywhere. Plenty of Americans would point out American openness is a myth that only applies in the South and parts of the Midwest. Then we'd flip you off for kidnapping our brains for the time it took to read your post. And tell you to go fuck yourself while sneering at your

We all have our secret shame.

I canceled mine years ago but they keep posting articles.

They changed the title because they got tired of their computers rejecting it as a file name.

I did not play anything this weekend but I did buy a new video card which I will install next week at the latest.

It's usually any individual email address (and corresponding password) supplied by the cable provider (unless internet comes from elsewhere, then I'm not sure). So in the case of a large, semi-commercial contract like the entirety of a college, there probably isn't one.

Might not have been up when you looked, but before reading this review, I pulled it up on the TBS site, right from the main page. Requires a cable account though.

"What'd you expect, yellow spandex?"

You're not? I figured Who would be.

Another thing they didn't make clear: water is more about energy and oxygen than it is water. They split it, use the hydrogen for fusion, use the oxygen for life support. Only a fraction of the water is used as water. At least in the books, the starting point's science and economics are pretty sound.

Can you guys add "goes to pot" to the AV Club style guide's clichés to avoid section?

With some advanced knowledge from books that may or may not end up being applicable, you are spot on about the tunnels and what they reveal about Naomi, and many of the minor deals there matter. Unfortunately, as they were in a finale, some of those details might be forgotten before they matter.

I actually think Julie might make a better ghost. Hard to decide though. I didn't really care about the characters until the preacher lady whose name I forget in the third.

Pretty far I think. Safe answer when dealing with space. There are supposed to be other settlements on various gas giant moons that haven't really been mentioned in the show but will matter somewhat soon.