Señor Sauce Toss

I'm not really sure who is reviling him. It's true that there's no real fan base for Avatar. If that's a knock on him, well, it's a fact.

Actually, it's a problem on The Flash, but instead of curtailing his powers they just keep introducing other speedsters that are faster than him.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

After seeing Ultron in the theater, I came home and put on the Turtles movie. Some part of my brain linked the two scenes so thoroughly, I thought they had shot at the same farm. Nope.

This seems to be true of everyone I know in theater. Strangely, not as true with the people in music. But half of them are probably too wasted to get bored playing the same set.

Oh I found one that was a news article. Except it isn't about a trans person.

So far, you haven't posted a one that shows that trans people go to bathrooms in order to victimize women. The only one involving an actual trans person involves an assault, not sexual, and that trans woman punched a woman for kicking down the stall door in the bathroom she was in. Really not that out of line, even if

I'm really sorry that your husband decided he was trans, and you decided you weren't attracted to him anymore. You know it's not your fault, right? Nothing you did made him feel that way, and nothing you did can change him. It wasn't sudden either, like you seem to think, but suddenly he no longer could hide it from

But when you make claims, do you link to dubious websites with no more authority than your wordpress? Cause that's what makes everything that lady says true! Not news articles, not court docs, but more blogs!

Because you putting words in my mouth doesn't make them true. Duh.

Although it pained me to do so, I read the "my story" section of that blog, and at no point does she claim to be a victim of rape and sexual assault. She literally claims to be the ex of a trans person who wants to prove trans people commit crimes, something that has never been in dispute, as you clearly do not

It's funny that you think that proves you right, when it actually proves that trans people need protections to use the bathroom in peace. Funny sad, but funny nonetheless.

Some interview, though possibly my imagination, left me under the impression that it's not that they're covering a lot, but they're starting far into the middle and doing earlier bits as flashbacks, possibly avoiding the flashback book.

Although you're mostly right, in the interview, they talk about being huge fans of his. That's why they volunteered to fly up there and introduce him.

I once watched someone funnel a bottle of that very flavor of MD. For $20. Then I watched it all come back up.

It's only an hour and forty minutes and I have about 8 hours to kill. It can't be the worst choice I've ever made.

I'm about to make my third attempt to watch Teenage Mutant Michael Bay Turtles. I feel nervous, like I'm the one about to be performing as a CGI amphibian. Wish me luck.


When I went to hardcore shows, the vast majority of the crowd self policed, and though selfies were rather new and already obnoxious, we'd still have been grabbing the guy that kicked a person, pulling him out of the crowd, and holding him against a wall until he agreed to get over himself.

I'm not sure grass reproduces that way.