
Kickstarter is basically the worst place to try and get money for an MMO.

My fondest memory was the host guy shitting on me for quitting the game before I beat the game. Also, fuck those levels where you gotta boost to the end but you can’t touch anything cuz you’ll one hit explode.

Megarace was my childhood

Doooooooooood. Megarace. I used to play the hell out of that game when I was a little kid. Lance Boyle! lol

You’ve won a free coupon for a night on the town—- WITH YOURSELF!!!!

A good friend of mine works at one of these outsourced port companies. They’re often the ones building all the DLC content as well (for all platforms), in addition to doing the ports to PC.

Ports are outsourced every which way to Sunday, usually. A lot of the these studios rely heavily on jr-mid level engineers as well. Porting a game and doing engine performance takes a lot of engineering know-how. It’s not something you can throw a jr. or even mid level engineer at most of the time.

This biggest problem is that porting is usually handled as a subcontract where the bigger company (WB in this case) holds all the cards.

Quality of life is fast becoming the number 1 priority in a lot of dev minds. Thus the big push for a lot to move to indie, or leave the business entirely. Big studios will not be able to continue to take advantage of people like this. Even with the endless stream of dreamers pouring into the industry, there will be a

coff coff, meant descend on xbox one as in destroy it!

$800,000 for an MMO of this scale...? Colour me a billion shades of skeptical.

Pee is already drinkable.

Yeah, that makes even the less interesting characters memorable. But my problem often with One Piece is, that I can't take most characters seriously due to their ridiculous look, proportions and/ or behaviour. The first and last enemy I found intimidating there was the CP9, and they also got kinda ridiculous with

Was that boss Krauser? Because he specifically takes massive damage from the knife. Thats why the whole lead up to it is a big knife fight.

"It's never Lupus."

Funny, I don't recall getting on and posting this...

The idea of a portable gaming system contained in a mouse is kinda cool... I've put TF2 and a linux OS on a flash drive before.

The idea of a portable gaming system contained in a mouse is kinda cool... I've put TF2 and a linux OS on a flash

I play 80% bot matches or so. Fun for me. Cursing and calling names in game takes the fun away when playing against other players. I try to stay out of that.

lol newb.