It’s fun to see them animate the scale of the inverted black model (for the outlines) based, I’m assuming, on camera distance. My guess is thick = close up.
It’s fun to see them animate the scale of the inverted black model (for the outlines) based, I’m assuming, on camera distance. My guess is thick = close up.
Seems like they clung too much to the like-Mega Man idea. Even though you claim that Mega Man earned the right to be harsh, I still think a game like that released today would not fair as well. I guess Dark Souls type games and their cult-status are perhaps a fair counter argument (games can still be harsh, yo), but…
900k for a game like this is ridiculously little. They’ve self-funded 500k, and have another 500k lined up (probably if the kickstarter goes through)
I’m interested to see how this turns out, but if that’s all the money they’re bringing to the table, my guess is it’ll be extremely low-content at release (and rely a lot…
That’s one of the things it does from my setup at least. It uses that moment to confirm who’s the active user, or ask for an active user to sign in, before loading cloud-stored save data. (each of those actions can then fail, putting you back on the start A screen)
From a dev standpoint this is actually a really good way to ensure a single entry-point into the game where we can check who’s playing on which controller. It allows us to make other stuff simpler, more stable/consistent.
I guess it’s not strictly necessary, but it’s incredibly useful (you’d be amazed how many hoops…
Have you tried standing with your back to a short (like, a foot high) wall and pressing S? I was really surprised the first time I did this by accident, but it appears to work for any low surface.
Spoke to one of the devs on this last week. AFAIK it’s mostly him building everything too, so this is really impressive stuff with so few people working on it.
That’s only if the entire project team is working on this. It doesn’t sound like that is the case, so it makes perfect sense to have the rest of the team working on something else. Would you rather he fires most of his team, just because the first game hits technical delays?
I’d never actually heard of The Lighthouse, and since it’s a crucible reward, probably will never see it.
This is an amazing read. Good show!
I always think saying “not wasting my time” is ironic in respect to games. You basically are wasting your time, that’s kind of the point, and that’s totally fine.
I agree that it shouldn’t be a conversation stopper, wholeheartedly. And you’re putting a lot more argument into my argument than I did, so I’m guessing there’s history there.
This entirely depends on how the kickstarter is presented. If they say it is for an added feature, it is absolutely no problem to then spend that money on that feature. Does it matter that the people already on the project are doing it? No. Not one bit.
They should put this into a multiplayer battle mode and call it Dark Souls: Chess
After reading this I thought I’d try some very old games.
But, more importantly, in what year did Coventry win the FA Cup?
Given the only thing keeping the game’s from compatibility is an “ok”, the question is then what reasons there might be for not giving an ok, and perhaps why Activision is amongst those that aren’t specifically mentioned as having given that ok.