Ubi doesn’t really have a ton of IPs, and the ones they have are overexposed. Frankly, I view 2k as more valuable from an IP perspective.
Ubi doesn’t really have a ton of IPs, and the ones they have are overexposed. Frankly, I view 2k as more valuable from an IP perspective.
Eh, it was *OK* on PC for the most part. Had issues for sure, but outside of one quest where you got stuck if you did thing a certain way (which to be fair, pretty much every open world RPG will have one of those at launch) I never ran into anything remotely game breaking. My main complaint is the game itself felt…
Yes please; Rudra no Hihou has one of the best soundtracks of any Square JRPG and is one of my absolute favorites.
To be fair, he knew he was out the door anyways.
Yep, we had one of those recently: “Why are us job shoppers treated like total shit?”.
Eh, I’ve been through a number of spinoffs, acquisitions; it’s the low-level management that goes first, followed shortly by any “duplicate” positions (IT, HR, etc.) that are handled mainly at corporate. The rank and file usually are OK unless there is significant overlap in jobs, in which case the acquired unit…
I thought it was Ubi or 2k that was next to be eaten, but I guess given their stock decline it makes sense for Blizz to be eaten now.
*optimized* assembly. I’ve seen plenty of bad hardcoded x86 assembly in my time.
Yeah, this is Riot just trying to downsize in a PR friendly way. Three months from now, the layoffs begin.
Exactly this.
Yeah, and in a lost of industries you’ve seen the older workforce say “screw it” and retire earlier then planned. And for companies like this, loosing that workforce can be crippling if you don’t have a knowledge-retention program of some sort.
“Newer consoles are just like PCs, so porting should be a straightforward process!”
That’s moderately annoying, but probably not a massive problem to overcome.
Stupid question: I know back in the UE3 days you could get at most of the graphics settings through the .ini files if you really wanted to control them; does UE5 have the same capability?
Right, but that’s unlikely. Remember in the last stand segment Morden is first in line to die, so if you take (for example) Garrus and Grunt with you to fight the reaper and don’t send Morden back with the crew, he will probably die.
Its amusing/sad to see how management overhead has changed over the past 30 years. My father (now retired) used to run our sites software department and oversaw several major projects (including testing/HW integration).
But..but think of all the corporate savings and the positive effects on Activations stock price!
I will note while the PC version had issues, it wasn’t by any means broken even on release. A few bugged quests here and there, a few bugged physics events, but those are the things you kinda expect at release.
I’m reading this that the direction/timeframe he wanted for DA4 didn’t mesh with what papa-EA wanted. Fully expecting a disaster, frankly.
The problem is EA has to work within the confines of the Frostbite engine (which is showing it’s age at this point), while also supporting older gen consoles, while also trying to shoehorn in features from other genras (Battle Royals, etc.), while also beating a Christmas release deadline.