
When I was a student at NYIT, I would commute to the Central Islip campus, and take the shuttle bus to the Old Westbury campus. Each leg takes about a half hour, assuming no traffic.

Sadly, this isn’t a surprise.  ATC has been overworked for decades, and the number of close calls has been growing for a while.  It was more a matter of “when” then “if”.

Seriously. Devs, just make ‘Pirates! Online’.  Not that hard.

Look, outside of the 360 era (where Microsoft benefited from Sonys poor HW design), Microsoft has lost *every* generation by a 2:1 margin or more. By keeping their exclusives from formerly third party studios locked to their HW, they are cutting their potential profits by a third.

I think the point is that with Toyotas, you almost never have a catastrophic failure.  Yes, things wear and need replacing, but never a major failure like a transmission or anything like that.

Gotta lower overhead costs to cover the debt numbers resulting from the Activision purchase.

To be fair, even in the 360 era the Xbox has never done well outside the US and UK.  And with the abysmal lack of exclusives on the platform, it’s no shock the latest entry is doing so poorly.

I think the issue is outside of Dragon Quest, Persona, and various remake/indy efforts, most RPG franchises have moved away from pure turn-based systems.

Speaking as someone who has worked at a company that has been acquired in a few corporate acquisitions now: Every time a company gets acquired, its management gets gutted and replaced by people (usually ones with a financial background) who will do things the parent companies way. Pennies get pinched, everything gets

This all started with Newt and his strategy of demonizing his opponents as a way to rile up the base. Fast forward to 2010 when the GOP drummed up anger over the ACA to win at the local/state level and redistrict a ton of formerly competitive seats to be safe, leading to the party primaries being the “real” election

Remember when the GOP had the easy chance to expel Gaetz at no political cost? How’s that working out for them?

Oh look, EA is trying to rip of the Captain Tsubasa series.  Nothing to see here.

Captain Tsubasa is still having games made for modern consoles.  And that’s all EA is making here, lets be clear about that.

Hell, people still use “Hercules” even in media where the rest of the Greco-Roman mythological pantheon are using their Greek names.”

And regardless of what you consider small/medium, when you can see a Gamestop from another Gamestop, you have too many stores.”

Guys, at the end of the day, the Switch is a handheld.  Don’t expect it to match up to other consoles/PC.

I note preservationists have had no problems backing up XBLA, Nintendo E-Shop, or PS Store content in the past; this will be no different.  The games will eventually be preserved fine, thanks to the Internet.

Because they’re still expensive relative to all-digital.

I was going to mention exactly this.  Trying to mimic another character almost never comes off well.

Sadly, what Jim is saying is what I’ve heard from almost every upper manager ever. One guy called employees “light bulbs”. You could just go to a store (contractor) and get as many bulbs (employees) as you needed.”