Simple solution: De-list Activision titles until Kotick is gone. If you can de-list Cyberpunk for being bad, you can de-list Activision.
Simple solution: De-list Activision titles until Kotick is gone. If you can de-list Cyberpunk for being bad, you can de-list Activision.
Chris Roberts is going to do Chris Roberts things. He should *never* be in charge of a projects timeline/budget, as he’s incapable of ever getting things released without someone else coming in to actually release a game.
Investors mostly. They tend to get ticked off if their stock holdings decline because you missed your profit guidance for the quarter.
Yep. It’s all Activision now. Mergers are how good companies die.
.wav is...interesting. While uncompressed, I’m pretty sure superior lossless formats exist (.flac) that would reduce file sizes quite a bit.
Clean-Room-Reverse-Engineering basically means that you can reverse engineer how the HW/SW works, but you can not do so using any insider knowledge of how they operate.
Worth noting original copyright law only lasted 18 years. I’d long advocated we need to go back to that.
Untested by courts. At minimum, you should purchase the necessary HW so everyone gets paid. The entire “downloading an image you already own” argument is untested, even if it is almost certainly unenforced in any case.
I’ve get a Retrode w/ the N64 addon. Can’t get those easily anymore, but I’ve heard INLRetro is a viable alternative; looks like the entire set of HW necessary to backup all cartridge based system goes for $60 total.
Right, but the fact “other” people do something illegal using emulators does not itself make them illegal.
N64 games are very core/setup dependent. Nowadays I’m giving up some features, and using Mupen64 + the Parallel RDP Multithreaded RDP plugin to guarantee maximum compatibility. That alone gets Rouge Squadron and Body Harvest (two of the most picky and tricky to emulate N64 titles) to run. I know neither runs by…
Note quite correct here. The only limitation on DVD Ripping software is that they can’t break any copy protection. This is generally not an issue for CD/DVD based systems since most of them are unencrypted and readable by pretty much all drives. The GC/Wii is a “special” case, but a few DVD drives do have the ability…
Yes, actually. And for those I didn’t I purchased them. Still have most of the originals, though few of them work anymore.
Retropie is *perfectly* legal, per existing US Supreme Court precedent. As is legally backing up games you own. And getting (m0st) games legally isn’t that hard, given the internet is a thing.
The N64 is a PITA to emulate accurately as well. Sure, *most* games don’t care, but Factor 5's stuff, and some other notable games (Jet Force Gemini and Body Harvest are two notable ones) more or less require low level emulation, which until about a year ago even high end PCs couldn’t handle at full speed. Now that we…
Emulation != Piracy. Nothing is stopping you from purchasing a Blu-Ray drive and ripping your own PS3 disks.
To be fair, the Cell was a beast of a CPU is you kept it fed. It was faster than the PS4/XB1 CPU by a fairly decent margin. But it was *hell* to work with, and combined with the PS3s lack of RAM really hurt the PS3's overall performance.
I know one thing you need to do is a simple fix for PCs with more then two cores; believe it’s just an ini edit.
I’ve *tried* to like Stellaris, I really have, but there are just too many issues with the AI and pop/jobs system for me to give it another look for at least a few major patches.
Camry or Corolla. Safe, cheap, good to 200k, easy to maintain, no loss if totaled.