Software engineer speaking:
Software engineer speaking:
It matters more for FPS titles in particular. Also keep in mind: A steady 30 FPS is relatively smooth, but jumping between 60 and 40 can be damn near impossible to deal with; FPS stability matters just as much, if not more, then actual FPS.
...I’m 99% sure there was a version of Spider Man vs. The Kingpin for the Game Gear. Don’t see it on the list though.
Depends on the game. In Warzone specifically, the aim assist you get on controllers is INSANE. Honestly, unless you have a very finely tuned mouse setup, it is actually easier to initially lock on targets with a controller then a mouse, thanks to the aim assist. This is especially notable when you have to swivel to a…
The not a great law. Its "better" then what we had, but the danger in upholding the ACA is that its existence will be used to argue against fixing our broken Healthcare system.
“People dying waiting for treatment" is mostly a myth. While OPTIONAL procedures can have extended wait times, you can schedule most critical procedures within a week or two (faster then the American system).
While the PC-Engine/TG-16 was an 8-bit console (due in part to it’s CPU just being yet another MOS 6502 derivative), it did contain two 16-bit Graphics Processors and a 16-bit memory bus. So while not as powerful as the Genesis, it could certainly still hang around. If it had released in the US anytime except for…
To be fair, I do get what they were going for with the plot of XI’s third act. And they didn’t implement it “horribly”.
But they still have the support the old switch. It’s not like they can only release for the new model.
Yeah, the formula is what it is; I’m afraid they may try and change too much and screw it up. DQ has remained true to it’s roots through the Squeenix merger, and I *really* don’t want Dragon Quest turning into “Medieval Final Fantasy”.
Each game gets better, almost linearly.
Unlikely. They’re doing what the Doom64 guys did: Providing an engine that doesn’t do anything without the ROM image. Since they aren’t using any assets, there’s nothing for Nintendo to do legally.
SWAT4 was bloody excellent; we need another entry into that series.
From past experience, Nintendo likes to C&D a day or two before any planned release. [See: Chrono Trigger Resurrection, Pokemon Uranium, AM2R, etc.) So for the love of god: DON’T ANNOUNCE A RELEASE DATE.
Yeah, the Bongcloud is one of the openings you can use to try and play Blacks defenses, with tempo. In certain situations, that can work wonders. And yes, Carlson breaking it out against Hikaru was hilarious.
Question: Some jurisdictions in the EU are starting to treat Ultimate Team as a form of gambling. It follows, if there is the *ability* to do something like this, that there could be some sort of criminal liability. How much trouble could EA get into here?
Well, yeah. Keep in mind that a decent chunk of the current Democratic party come from families that left the GOP post-Reagan. That’s why the liberal wing can never get any real traction, since they aren’t even the majority within their own party.
There’s actually good reasons why the Xbox is damn near impossible to emulate properly. I can’t dig up the original post, but one of the devs for one of the emulators made a big forum post on the topic. I’m posting based on my memory of said post, so a few of the details might be a bit off, but it should give the gist…
3 wasn’t quite as bad at the whole forcing classes thing until the end; you basically required two Sages (or two Devouts) to survive Cloud of Darkness’s AoE.
I’m the exact opposite: I want a fairly uniform difficulty curve that ranges from ‘not overly challenging’ to ‘tough, but fair’ depending on selected difficulty. Nothing turns me off more then doing 100% of all optional content, then one-shotting the final boss (I’m looking squarely at you, FFXII).