
It’s more complicated then that. It’s not just the HW, the Xbox OS is a PITA to emulate, since you also have to emulate several obscure internal APIs, audio/video codecs, and a bunch of other the hood stuff that doesn’t apply to older emulators. And of course, none of this is exactly what is on PC, so there’s a lot of

What’s odd to me is TI usually wins the numbers battle for major fights; this is kinda the reverse.

Too many platforms syndrome.

Two comments:

And Nintendo wonders why they have such a problem with people downloading ROMs of their titles they refuse to make available.

The PC version was great. I played the console version, and frankly, it was trash in comparison.

This is hardly new.  Been doing this on steam for literally a decade now; VPN to Australia, decrypt, logoff, turn off VPN, and log back on.

Not wrong. It also inflates the labor pool, depressing wages.

Co-signed.  I have so many game-specific dosbox configs as it is.  Having a Retroarch core that actually works would be a godsend.

My father hates his 2020 Camry for much the same reason; it always kicks off when trying to accelerate through busy turning lanes because it sees the cars turning in front, causing the car to come to a screeching halt. He’s been rear-ended twice because of it.

Which will launch first?  KSP2 or the SLS?

For anyone interested, Korone recently did two all English Mario streams. Despite the obvious language barrier, it was absolutely hilarious. They’re easy enough to find on YouTube.

Sega is cooler then Nintendo, but they did shut down Streets of Rage Remake even after giving an explicit go-ahead on it’s development.  [To be fair, I think that was Sega of Europe and not Sega of America, but still, that one hurt.]

“Hey, I need some food.”

Eastern. I’ve found too many Western RPGs suffer from having too much freedom (EG: Lack of story focus) and far too much padding to try to fill their worlds with “stuff”. There are a few exceptions to this, but on the whole I’ve long gravitated to eastern RPGs, despite numerous attempts to get into western ones.

You’re not wrong. Personally, I’m rooting for some Falcom representation (they’re oddly absent at this point); I’d be fine with Adol but I’m rooting for Estelle.

It might be time to pull out the emergency fallback option: The number of Supreme Court justices is set by Congress, *not* the Constitution. A simple majority in both houses can simply vote to increase or decrease the number of justices. And since there’s no way for the Senate to block a nomination if Dems win it and

There’s a lot of studies that have proven that black people are incarcerated at disproportionate rates to whites but not that many that explicitly spell out why that is the case and certainly not that many which explicitly say “because systemic racism” as this paper does.”

3rd gear:

Plenty of people are buying. The problem is that startups need to make back their startup cost, which combined with low initial production rates leads to high prices.