
From what I’ve seen, it sounds like most of the good parts of CKIIs DLCs are included in the base game, so CKIII is basically launching as an optimized and upgraded CKII + DLC pack.

“...making many players speculate that the finale of the invasion will be an assault on Jita itself.”

Well, they won’t be getting it from me. I would have purchased it on release, now I guess I’ll be skipping over it.

Texas is still +2 GOP, and likely isn’t in play until 2028 at the earliest. And while Arizona is trending blue, it’s not entirely there yet. Florida has let Democrats down to often to count apon.

At a consistent +8 those are gimmies. If Biden looses any of those the other states are moot anyways.

Biden went with the safest option here. As I noted before, Harris does three things:

In my mind, Harris fits three key criteria:

It’s more of throwing a bone to the liberal wing of the party without nominating someone who can easily be given the liberal label. And there are enough voters worried about Bidens age where having a VP that is qualified to be President if needed does assure some voters on the fence. She’s also a “safe” pick; she

The thing with Abrams is that you would want her around to compete for Georgia’s open Senate seat in 2022.

And you all laughed when I said “Uh oh, it’s a Chris Roberts production; stay away!”

The problem, which some in the GOP finally recognize, is they actually got the majority of their party to buy into their propaganda. So now the only way they can win in primaries is to go “all in” with that same propaganda. Worse, you’re now seeing people get elected who genuinely believe said propaganda (instead of

Neutral: My company is looking to make WFH permanent. We’ve been struggling to find room for everyone (we’ve been expanding like mad) at our facilities as it is.

The thing is, because the plan has pretty much *always* been to keep the B-52 flying, it’s always gotten preferential budgetary treatment when it comes to system upgrades. In some ways, it’s actually more modern then “newer” bombers, due it constantly being upgraded.

Unless my memory totally failed me, didn’t the union rep basically lie to the union and say they’d get a smaller raise if they met some % of the target, and only at the last second reveal they’d all be laid off if they missed it (hence the rush to put cars together with obviously glaring defects, like the lack of an

The problem is: what has literally decades worth of peaceful protedts accomplished? This has been boiling for decades now.

The answer is practice.

That would make things significantly worse.  You want the bumper to crumple in order to eat away at the impact energy and distribute it away from the cabin.  

To be fair, the CPUs this generation were cripples. The PS4 and XB1's CPU was about as power as the 360's CPU, and less then half as powerful as the Cell. Hence the mid-generation refresh when 4k became a thing.

Well, my worst-case is a civil war that turns nuclear. I’m about 80% sure things won’t go that far though...

Agreed. But I do believe Trump and Co. believe it, because that’s the only way he gets re-elected. Of course, he’s just setting up his eventual failure every time he says “we’ll be booming by August”.