
The problem with compression of textures and sound is you have to waste cpu time to decompress in real-time. I’ve worked with this type of stuff, and the execution time is not trivial. Now that we are free of DVDROM, we don’t want to bother dealing with compression beyond keeping the initial download size down.

I will say, I like the combat changes the game has made.  Being able to hit nearby targets on a miss is something that seems obvious in hindsight, but no one has really bothered to do.  Based on what I've seen, I'm pleasantly surprised at this game.

To be fair, the GameCube games ran on a souped up version of the old Virtual Pro Wrestling engine, and they played relatively well from what I recall.

It’s been WIDELY reported the troubles Frostbite has had on development of some of EA’s games recently (ME:A and DA:I are two good examples that have a lot written on their development cycles).  Directly from developers.

To be fair, they were forced the change animation engines mid-way through. Also to be fair, that’s the type of thing Frostbite doesn’t do well.

Iit's worth noting the consoles auto aim assist is a form of a hack as far as pc players are concerned.  Now that crossplay is a thing, aim assist should be removed.

Eexcept those people would still be carriers, which is the real problem.

In theory, yes. The problem is the end-result of having just a handful of super-large industrial leaders in each sector, instead of many small ones, which leads to outsized regional, and in some cases national job losses.

Be careful, you’re falling into the same trap that is used to justify bloated government contracts.  At that point, you’re basically arguing for a Universal Basic Income.

It’s because most managers are managers because they kiss-up to the guys in charge, and are not qualified for the position. They’re in it for the prestige, and from their perspective if you aren’t there for them to boss around, it’s a strike against them.

-Why the fuck is Mike Pence “in charge”?

Savings accounts aren’t that good for accumulating growth; at least put into the S&P if nothing else (short term declines be damned).

This is temporary, since OPEC can’t maintain these cuts for very long. The intent here is to force Russia back to the table, with a secondary objective of squeezing US shale producers (which would cut long-term production).

And even then, in the states she needed to win, the margin of victory was small enough to be accounted for white, liberal voters who swapped votes and voted for the Green party.

Neutral: Legally, Jon Deere is in the right here; the software is Licensed, not purchased, with the sale of the tractor. Under standard software EULA’s, the end user does not have the legal right to modify the software in any way and the owner (Jon Deere) maintains full exclusive control to their software.

Warren is too liberal for the moderate wing of the Democratic party, and less Liberal then Sanders, so she gets ignored.

Pretty much this.  Slow down and brake earlier.

Your not wrong, but at least you help out the ones who honestly didn’t know the difference.

Nissan highlights the idiocy of “marketshare at all costs”.  Marketshare is nothing aside from a measure of past success; the days of vendor lock in, in most cases, are over.  By chasing share by selling lots of bad vehicles for cheap, Nissan ruined their image for future perspective buyers, which is what is killing

And that’s the core problem here.  Tesla should be forced to change the name of the feature to something that does not give someone who wouldn’t know any better the assumption the system is fully autonomous.