
At least SEGA can laugh at itself now knowing how stupid of an idea this was. Seriously the social media manager Aka Aaron Webber has been great over the past year and turned Sonic into a memelord.

Sonic is in a way better state then it was 10 years ago thats

Busses are not all that fast so their should be a Bus Mode. This is going to hurt the playerbase allot.

The last page says that the creator of the fan manga got drafted by south Korea’s military and he won’t be back for 2 years. Its pretty sad really.

No its not, its pretty adorable. Its a shame he can’t continue due to Korea’s mandatory military service. when did this happen and how much longer does he have until hes out?

ERROR [10030]: The thing you’re looking for is unavailable. It may be due to:

Neither, Hot Aqua Grunt has my vote for hhhnnnggg.

Yeeeeah somebody has got to link me to this.

So I’m not following, whats with all the sex jokes?

RIGHT?! That and mario kart 64 ate a good chunk of me and my friends time. I need to see rage wars remastered with netplay.

God heres hoping that they can get the entire Turok saga over to Steam including Rage Wars.

Trunks is a weird half breed.


Your that weird dude who fucked a McChicken a month ago huh?

Opinions. 乁(ツ)ㄏ

Well I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, it is an idiot comment. Super explains the states perfectly hes just whining because they are different colors.

At least were not getting SS5 levels of rediculious, I’d rather take changing colors over super buff hairy saiyan times 5!!

Wait does the Famicom controller work on the Wii-U as well?

Beerus doesn’t need to be flashy to get things done. in fact Beerus and Whis sometimes don’t like Goku and Vegeta’s showboaty antics to get to a point.

You’re an idiot, go watch the show it makes perfect sense.

Props where props is due though, nobody believed Sanzaru would pull off anything remotely good and look at that its a decent fucking sonic game, before mania even!

Mind its not prefection but hell for what we expected it jarred everyone a bit and leaving good marks all around.

Fuck I want a 3rd Boom 3DS game just to see

Who do you mean? someone from Zoids ZERO or the previous series?