Sounds like he was a Toonami Watcher back then.
Which is sad because we just lost the original host as of late, heres what current Toonami did as tribute for Moltar, its touching.
Sounds like he was a Toonami Watcher back then.
Which is sad because we just lost the original host as of late, heres what current Toonami did as tribute for Moltar, its touching.
.....Whats this gotta do with Zoids though?
Birds you say?!
I’m not gonna be mad or anything because I think you legit screwed up, but look at the dates of this article and comments.
I’m not gonna be mad or anything because I think you legit screwed up, but look at the dates of this article and…
Tom French is the forge lead in Halo 5:
Take it up with him.
Bro, you get what you get were lucky to have Halo on PC after all this time. give the custom game browser a shot.
Not really, your talking about the first arc of the reboot “countdown to chaos”. it was the previous Archie editor in chief, Mike Pellerito, last decision to have the writer focus on getting their memories of the old universe back for a short time, Ian Flynn just wanted to start over with no memories. but it only went… got a reboot. anything before Sonic #252 and Universe #55 is purged forever, not DC/Marvel comics forever but gone gone, as in Ian Flynn the current writer and archie themselves cannot even touch those characters or storylines anymore thanks to the old writer Ken Penders.
Were at #286 right now so were 34…
And hes dressed like Woody because?...
The other horse approaching is just like “Bruh, really?’
Yeahhh...I already have Ground Zeroes and MGS5 is like, $20 on a gamestop sale so no thanks.
Yeah because why should they do something smart, right?!
I did say probably, they don’t have to but its nice if they did just to show proper mutual respect.
The Deus Ex and Sonic twitter accounts have a good bromance going, hopefully this leads to more wacky crossovers.
Not only that its Sonic Boom Knuckles, which all assets are owned by SEGA of America instead of Japan. all they would have to do is ask SoA’s staff if they could use it, which Edios probably did.
Hammerspace, same place Amy hides her hammer and where they all hide the chaos emeralds.
Wow, you must be out of the loop if you’ve never heard of dragon ball z kai.
First read:
Do you need filling in on whats been going on with the series for the last 10 years?
yeah i recall that, due to a mandate phasing out the classic series for the, at the time, new designs that were coming to SA1 but did an odd way of it. but the universe stayed the same, just adapted adventure in a weird way its understandable if you read up on it though.
kind of wish another universe was pushed on the…
probably due for a re watch. but not the original, watch kai.
Its a portara earring btw, remember? goku and vegeta used them once.