
I haven’t logged into Kotaku in a year but I just wanted to log back in and say you made me laugh. Bravo.

I thought this was a glitch, WTF is this album name?!

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C’mon we were all thinking of it at the time...

Too busy with Soulja Boy atm lmao.


I just bought the SNES Classic recently and I’m loving the hell out of it! Mind some...modifications...were needed but the original 21 + all the games I added from my childhood make this thing a worthwhile purchase. same games I never even got to try on a real console.

Theirs a new anime called “Dragonball Super” that explains the new transformation, go watch it if you want your lore questions explained.

Yeah great plot and all but I got a question...

Does the game make you FEEL like spider-man?

Yeah.....definately don’t have a good feeling about this one.

In fact, I definitely don’t have a good feeling about any of it. this is like watching a slow train crash....or Sonic Forces’ promotional run.

It’s all terrible but yet I can’t look away.

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Well, Jeff is rigging the whole thing sooo...

Why is this still a thing when digital editing could’ve just fixed the issue?

Theirs seriously 100's of episodes of Pokemon that could’ve been fixed and brought over here with just simple edits for localization. why bar an episode entirely over something soo simple?

And yet, old world players want everything to go backwards because they are afraid of change.

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The clip needs to be edited with this track and a slow zoom in on Luis’s face:

Thank you soo much! I’ve been looking in how to fix that for such a long time.

Then why not make a COD game designed for the Switch?

Screw off dickhead. he had fun amassing his collection, and he doesn’t feel like it was a waste. you have no right passing down your ‘holy’ judgement on him.

I’m getting you out of greys because I need to know the story behind this. explain.

Yeah no I don’t like this new format, it’s confusing and painful to read. hopefully this was a 1-off.

It’s not but it’s allot faster, its a modified Pink Rathian so don’t go in with the same tactics as you do a normal PR.