Its pronounced “Saiya-People”.
Its pronounced “Saiya-People”.
Your complaints are aimed at Warzone, so stop playing it or switch to Warzone Firefight. REQs can’t be used in arena.
Look at the Sonic comic for crying out loud, banged around by the requirements of SEGA to make it fit whatever game they were doing at the time that it’s a mess. Now they’ve put out OTHER comics that are meant to be shorter and better.
Hey the series is better then the movie, give it some credit.
Shouldn’t the anime be finished instead?
Now that EVRYTHING is out (hopefully) it should be a fun romp to go through while waiting for D2. but it sucks for the people who had to grind though everything up until this point.
Oh my god why are you grey’d out? you deserve stars and praise for your work not to be grey’d and forgotten.
There, out of the greys now. lavish this man with stars Kotaku!
...Why can’t you? its out.
Think this article needs some updating. Eurogamer’s report goes into allot more detail
Welcome! :D
But, hes got places to go.
Fahey has gotta follow his rainbow!
*hums city escape*…
sorry to judge people based on their tattoos, but this guy looks like a gang member. stupid idiot did himself a favor because if he did what he did without being a moron and vocalizing it he would’ve been killed by the police.
Great, another Cubone situation. now we’ll all have to guess what it looks like without the Pikachu sheet.
Still wondering to this day what Cubone looks like without its Mother’s skull...
do yourself a favor and get the rod out of your butt, you’ll feel sooo much better for it
Yes, the Wasp. its a level 3 REQ that is weak but fast, go look it up.
if you have a console with a large enough HDD space and its disabled sleep mode yeah, I don’t have and do both so I always see the update screen.
shame because firefight was a fun mode to play with both on and offline.
Boom is its own thing, like classic and modern. theres no ditching because it is doing what it wants within its own universe and doesn’t bother the other 2.