
But they got good at sports so they wouldn’t have to work your lame job for less money. Their market value (yay capitalism) is higher than what they’re getting offered/paid. And the owners (who work less than the players!) are the ones getting paid considerably more for someone else’s work.

Was Sarajevo's fallout Olympics related or mostly from the civil war that happened later? In terms of ones I can remember, Rio and Athens are probably the highest, but Beijing is kind of a question mark.

Yep. Anyone who is in power and/or rich surely got that way on merit, so we should prostrate ourselves before them at every opportunity.

Because they’re only one lucky break away from being *just* like the billionaire owners.  They could never be a player because they’re not exceptionally talented people, but simply “having money” isn’t a skill. 

Yeah, there’s a perception that a lot of people who support the rich getting richer don’t understand that they support the rich getting richer. Or, at the very least, know their politics support increasing wage inequality, but still believe they will one day be the 1-percent themselves.

the decision of the province to try and separate from Canada

Next you’ll tell us Brexit is a bad idea.

Anybody checked out Sochi?

LOL at the idea of Winter Olympics in 2044.  Unless you mean indoors ...

Every time I try to explain why unions are a good thing and marginal tax rates need to be high (like they were during that mythical period when America was “great”), all I get in response is “business owners should make more than us.” The sick obsession middle class conservatives have with stretching income inequality

I’d put Rio ahead of Athens. People attribute the Greek debt crisis in part to the Olympics, but the country’s deficit problems didn’t begin with the games, nor end with them, and while they’re now in shambles, at least the infrastructure improvements that went into Athens are still around.

There, everything looks so much better when you throw a few primary colors at it.

No but the actual numbers showing that revenue has greatly outpaced player salaries is a fact. 

Between Manfred and the owners, it’s hard to shake the feeling that they’re trying to wreck the sport for some reason.

Dude, you have to offer more than this unlabeled axis graph...

Yep. And you didn’t even mention how they game the system for an extra cost controlled year with call ups and stuff. Then you get to how underpaid minor league players are...

This is also the same reason why Republicans keep getting elected. Americans are brainwashed by ownership to be on their side.

I posted the following in Ratto’s Kyler Murray article - probably belongs here instead:

I have gone to that World of Beer hundreds of times on various different days and have never witnessed so much as a verbal altercation on the sidewalk outside. Whenever these Redskins players/coaches hit up One Loudoun (the center where the bar is), it seems like it all goes to shit. 

“You know that maladjusted, self-satisfied, absentee parent we hired who hasn’t seen his kids for more than two days a month since he spends every waking hour berating his players for perceived lack of heart and failure to live up to his unreasonable expectations? I bet his kid learned a lot about football from him!”