
Good point, however I think this particular potato is the only one that hates Aaron Rogers, a fact that could come in handy.

I used to ref ages 12 and down. Even the amount of abuse from a game with 5 year olds is absurd. I once watched a small child fall down, with nobody around for 20 yards. Both of his parents immediately came out and started swearing at me, had to stop the game.

Hey, all of Bob Knight’s four-year players graduated. And the fact that they dive under the table when someone slams a car door just shows how alert and prepared they are. You can’t argue with results.

A buddy of mine in high school was a youth soccer ref for extra cash, and the stories he told about parents berating him and following him to his car after games were crazy. The kids in the game were 10-, 11-, 12-years old. It’s about as unimportant of a game as you could get.

Looking for someone with McCarthy’s build isn’t going to narrow the list of suspects down much in Wisconsin. 

I played and reffed in an intramural volleyball league in Chicago. A law school team accused me of taking bribes from a dental school team who beat them. A week later my team beat them and two of the law students threatened to catch me outside the gym and jack me up. Sports can bring out the idiot in so many people.

“At least your dad shows up to your games.” -Aaron Rodgers

“I appreciate McCarthy’s work aggressively educating youth sports refs on how they should be better at calling meaningless games.”

My dad has had parents and coaches waiting at his car after the game. He’s gotten a highway patrol escort several times from state games. However, the scariest experience he had was from a player, who chased him down with a bat. On the other hand, I’ve seen him thrown out of my own little league game, after cussing

Don’t be bitter, young fella. Your mom’ll get sick of him after a while, and it’ll be like all this never happened.

All part of his plan to get blacklisted and not have to go to the stepson’s games.

I refereed CYO games when I was in high school and, let me tell you, the number of times I’ve been approached after games and berated by parents is too damn high. I had to eject parents during games. They don’t like that at all, but they sure as shit don’t want to cause their little Jimmy’s team to forfeit because

It's Wisconsin. Just about any in-person conversation involves spitting food all over one another, accidentally or not

He attempted to back his offensive performance, but couldn’t come up with adequate defense.

Remind me again how sports builds character and promotes good behavior.

Yes, presumably he is taking it as part of managing his bipolarity. This may have been what voided his contract, bipolar folks often desist, struggle to maintain their medication regimens. The effects aren’t pleasant.

People who are prescribed lithium (usually for schizoid or borderline personality disorders, sometimes for bipolar) usually have to have their levels checked at least once a month. Lithium has plenty of possibly unpleasant/life-threatening side effects, and also requires a fairly consistent, stable presence in the

Yeah, not going to cry about him barred from employ.  Sounds like there were guidelines, and he failed to meet them.  Sorry not sorry.

Seems pretty obvious.  He either tested positive for some kind of a contractually-banned substance, or he put his paws on a woman.  Hopefully this is the last time we hear about this moron. 

Surely some NFL team must be shopping for an inside wife-beater?