
That’s such a dumb take, no one is ever ‘rolling in his grave,’ especially Paterno, whose family dug him up shortly after burial to perform a pagan corpse-burning ceremony in an unsuccessful attempt to keep him from burning for eternity in the depths of hell for facilitating the rape of many, many children.

When asked what effect this would have on his Big 3 team, co-captain Glen Davis said, “Look, obviously Corey is going to be away for awhile and we all have to step up. If that means working harder at our 6-pointers, or making sure we capitalize on our free throws from the aligator pit or making sure that no one steps

Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski previously told reporters that he didn’t know about the accusation until recent reports.

Im a fan so it sucks but I can only laugh. They bought a young winger, while refusing to play their current stellar young winger (Odoi), in favor of two dudes that are aging and who’s best years are well behind him.

Its funny bc results aside, misusing Kante imo is enough on its own to consider showing Sarri the door. Its literally hard to conceive whats going on with him in this squad. 

I don’t understand how he still gets employed.  At any level.

Very into anything that makes David Luiz look like a chump

With stadium prices, that beer works out to roughly 15X the actual value of the baseball.

Seriously...short of like Barry Bonds’ 72nd homer in 2004, like what the hell do you do with some random fly ball?

Logged in after a long hiatus of only lurking to star that.

I deserved that.

I’ve given it to your mom plenty of times and she said it’s been more than sufficient

Two comments, two shots across the bow of the Herrenmenschen

ah yes, the fabled Good Germans™

Unfortunately, the farmers tried to butter up the team by allowing the cream of the crop to leave first, but they said “no whey!”

maybe I can skim some stars by joining this thread 

Good that the club didn’t cow-tow to the farmers’ udderly unrealistic demands

There is no flying over spilled milk.

Teats out for the lads

Those farmers are going to milk it for all it’s worth.  That’s udderly ridiculous.