Have you SEEN those Russian brides tho?
Have you SEEN those Russian brides tho?
Start by getting out of the grays
I drank nothing but Jim Beam and Milwaukee’s Best for 6-1/2 years of college, but do I get a magazine profile?
The IV drug cocktail handed out by the state keeps you pretty well hydrated on its own
If you don’t think there is such a thing as Russian glamour, then you have never had a warming swig of vodka while driving to work when it is -27 celsius, my friend.
Russian Glamour
We did the same thing for Rio.
Tumblr is leaking again.
They only allow fighting in hockey at the professional level, and good news to you, the amount of fighting in hockey has plummeted in the past decade. Look at this:
The people who have already bought tickets. Also fans who actually like watching their team play more than draft odds. They care.
Should we consider giving USM’s athletic department a pat on the back for preempting future disaster by denying admission to West? I mean it’s an awfully low bar, but considering how badly so many big time programs are doing, I feel like even this small act of decency deserves some recognition.
That’s disrespectful to dumpster fires.
Hopson added “as head coach, I would be the one responsible for not raping people at knifepoint”.
“But if the worst-case scenario does happen and Davis just walks away for nothing in 18 months, the Pelicans won’t have won anything.”
Yeah, huge haul for a guy who seems like a complete bust.
So they get to spread the amount they owed Fultz next year over two years, and got some draft picks.
Boban: [after Jimmy bricks the ball off the front of the rim] That’s two thus far, Jimmy.
Jimmy: Oh, you can count. Good for you.
Boban: And you can count, on me, waiting for you in the parking lot!
Boban: Trying to hit a 3 from here, Jimmy?
Jimmy: That’s not possible, sir.
Boban: I beg to differ! Tobias Harris accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago!
Jimmy: [turning around] Well that’s good for Tobias Har— (turns around and sees Boban) My God!
How long before Jimmy Butler makes a key late game turnover then yells at Tobias Harris in frustration for some reason and Boban steps in and says to Butler “ I don’t like you”
This is the best NBA odd couple since Z-Bo and Marc Gasol and the trade makes the Sixers exponentially more likable. I’m sold. Second round of the East playoffs should be super fun.