
If you’ve followed the comments at all you will realize the trend of the toiler poo splatterers are pretty much universally overweight. It’s the same in my office. It’s disgusting and they are disgusting.

LMAO, you need to grow up and face reality.

Holy shit you’re a fucking moron. I’ve seen bidets in exactly 1 country, France. I’ve been to a lot of them and I can guarantee you, India, a country with huge public sanitation problems, including sewer problems do not have fucking bidets. you will be lucky to find a toilet that flushes.

They don’t use bidets in India you stupid twat.

Do you know how much of your hair, pubic hair included, falls out every day even when you are young? 

You aren’t very culturally aware are you?There was a reason that was included. It has nothing to do with stereotype or being racist you stupid fuck.

Are you a complete retard? The abuse of women in Islamic society is rampant and far worse then what happens in the States. But go ahead and pat yourself on the back. Disgusting idiot.

Nope, I have officiated basketball for 10 years since I graduated college and I want no part in that. The liability is too great. Games all have medical personnel. Any injuries like concussions need to be evaluated by them and fortunately I haven’t had a scenario where I have to be the determining factor for a

Draymond Green should be the first one out of the door. Draymond was trying to assert his dominance even before the locker room beef. Trying to show him up by taking the ball up and falling over like a bozo. Green isn’t a hero and is never the guy you want taking that shot. He’s a grade A asshole.  

A touch foul called or not called doesn’t justify the assault at the other end of the court.

I’m surprised his teammates can put up with this experiment. It’s costing them games. They should be on their way to meet the Celtics in the East instead they are blowing games by having this head case on the court.

While also playing abysmal defense and being the single worst sixer in the +/- category. If you can’t shoot you better play D. This dude has no business on the floor until he can learn some viable NBA skill.

League attendance dropped pretty sharply this year. The numbers for 2018 are a 1,000 less per game. 

Definitely not, High School games on ESPN have more viewers than WNBA games. One of Berri’s main contentions was the pay that G League 18 year olds would be paid better than WNBA players. However the G League generates revenue and adding these types of players to the league will only boost the league. The WNBA MVP

I’d be interested to know the answer to that as well, because if that is factored in to the 12 million the union has leg to stand on, which would account for the silence. The only card they have to play is the current climate for pay and women’s rights. However, this is an entertainment business and if no one is

Seriously, they are incredibly talented, but people don’t go to the games and people don’t watch on tv. In an entertainment product you are worth the revenue you generate, and if you don’t generate revenue you aren’t worth anything, talent or no talent.

If the WNBA disappears tomorrow will anyone even notice? The USWNT far surpasses the popularity of the WNBA. I know it’s 2018 and the fear of crucifiction for this take, but women’s sports is largely unappealing to a male audience. It’s slower, less athletic, and less entertaining. Spoiler alert: Right or Wrong

Jesus Christ that’s awful and his reaction after was even worse.

There are players that should red carded every game either directly or via 2 yellows. Ramos is one of those players. The other that springs to mind is Fernandinho. How he continually gets a way with 4 - 5 yellow card worthy tackles a game is beyond me. If it’s a yellow in the 80th it’s a yellow in the 1st too. I offici

Truly the lowest form of defense. He’s taking the Lance armstrong approach to this and I really hope it turns out the same way for him.