
Unpopular Opinion, but this only happens when you trash talk Islam. The religion is their identity, culture, and nationality. People ignore the last part, but they will identify as Muslim before they will identify as Syrian, Chechen, etc. This is why when you fight a war against Muslims such as Afghanistan, Syria etc

Karim you really got on your knees for this piece. I’m not surprised that a UFC writer would consider a 9 year old wrestling a bear the stuff of legend and not as disgusting, unwarranted, dangerous and abuse even by Dagestani measures. Not discounting the abuse to the animal as well, but that surprises me less for

Yea, I agree just for the fact that how would anyone have known he didn’t put his jersey on. He had a shooting shirt on. I believe there is the reasonable expectation a professional basketball player would remember to put on their uniform like they have before every game they ever played.

Shouldn’t have even been put in the game after that. If you do something that stupid you better sprint to the locker room and sprint back not huff off because you forgot to put a uniform on. Players like him are a dime a dozen and if you can’t be ready to play(uniform) then you shouldn’t be in the league.

Nashville was doing alright without a hockey arena. Not sure what you are going for.

Unreal the attacker had so much time to just pick any spot that wasn’t near the feet of the last defender. He basically slowed to a walk and could have kicked it anywhere because the last man can’t use his hands and he just choked. It’s one of the biggest chokes I’ve ever seen.

Incredibly naive.

I would love if every team did this to barcelona. They are interminable crybabies about opposing teams pitches for years. However, this is remarkably bad. 

I have no problem with any of these as penalties. No one is trying to tackle properly and they are trying to maim each other. They don’t wrap up. They just launch themselves shoulder first or head first into the opponent. Fundamentally you are taught to tackle with your head up, wrap up and drive through. These guys

Kinder surprise eggs are still banned. The ones in stores are some sort of compromise since the toy isn’t actually in the chocolate.

not as much as Man Shitty

I’m all in on CTE. It’s a question of whether he kills himself or someone else first.

Everyone is afraid to admit the the truth about the WNBA. First of all women’s basketball is completely inferior to men’s basketball. There is the physical limitations, the slower pace of play, etc. There are top talents worth watching, but you can count them on one hand. Let’s face it a WNBA team couldn’t beat a team

Also living in PSU country and I can assure your take is completely wrong. Alumni were more often than not in support of Paterno and the football program and felt it was unfair that Paterno’s wins were taken, the statue was taken, and the sanctions on the football program. 

Shoestrings are worse than stuck fries, that’s where Kevin lost. No one is eve going to say a shoestring as any type of superior fry. No mention of fresh cut. GTFO.

Marvin the Martian needs to be way higher. The cartoons he appears in are fantastic. I don’t care what variety stores and malls had him plastered all over in the early 90's those cartoons were some of the best.

I know this won’t be a popular take here, but having played in and officiated co-ed, men’s and women’s intramural leagues during college you pretty much have to have rules to involve the female participants.

I couldn’t be happier. I’ve watched the tour religiously since i was 10 and the TDF was a 30 minute highlight broadcast on ESPN2 often followed by a 30 min special of the Running of the Bulls. And if I have learned one thing from the TVM, Festina, USPS and Operacion Puerto doping affairs it is how to spot a cheat

Memories of Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton flooded back during that stage. If ever there was a surer sign that a rider was cheating I haven’t seen it.

The Tourmalet isn’t til Friday.