
Who is Roberts?

except they don’t, Ozil’s grandparent’s came to Germany when his father was 2. Ozil was born in Germany obviously. Idiot.

Sure, bud. They didn’t do much better with the players they brought in either and last time i checked it’s a team game and having watched him get caught in scenarios with Arsenal where he was basically last man he just gives up. Ozil is a luxury player and a passenger when they don’t have the ball. It’s a question of

and what is he winning? Nothing. Attitude and laziness don’t win games and he has the skill set to be world class, but the only thing he wants to do is dink passes while the rest of the team suffers from his missteps. If he creates me a goal a game but costs me 2 it doesn’t matter how much he creates.

The chances created aspect is so overrated. It only matters if it turns into goals. having watched all the games in the WC the takeaway is that Ozil held up the play to the detriment of the attack and then would dink balls into dangerous areas, but poor scoring areas. Dinking a perfect pass to a tight angle shot on

So here are the problems with the article and most of the comments:

Honestly, blaming Neuer for the SK thing is completely useless. They were already down, desperate and heading out in stoppage time. He really didn’t let in a goal that should’ve been stopped in the tournament.

Ozil played against Bayern plenty of times since you know he played for Werder Bremen for a a few years and in the UCL etc.

Playing for Arsenal is the epitome of Ozil’s problems. He washes out at Real madrid because of his lack of a work ethic and ends up at Arsenal where try hard doesn’t exist. Lazy and languid as the day is long. Supremely talented but no work ethic to match.

Or the player who slowed down the build up play so much to “create” those “chances.” It’s easy to take the stats at face value, but if you watched the game you would see that he slowed the pace down and allowed the defense to settle so those chances everyone keeps mentioning were the same as going to the moon when he

and Klose, because there was a period of time where he tried to age him out after injuries and they couldn’t score goals so he had to keep bringing him back. His movement and link up play up top along with goals drove the offense. They don’t have that right now. Petersen might actually have been able to do that.

he’s 29, he’s just lazy.

Completely agree, his feet were where attacks went to die in this WC. He slowed up play waiting for little creative flicks or little dink passes. The chances he created were worthless because he gave the defense all the time in the world to set. He also never tracked back and never put a foot in. He never tried to win

Well, the question is so far all of Ozil’s collective actions point to him embracing Turkey as his country even though he is a German citizen, that was born in Germany. At what point is this considered an affront to the country that took you in, where people should rightfully criticize him for denouncing Turkish

Here’s the problem. The author of this article did an incomplete job and in doing so stoked a ridiculous comment thread that keeps the Kanter stories in play.
Ozil was born in Germany. His grandparents came to Germany. 3 generations are no longer in Turkey. His family is safe.

Nope. Ozil’s grandparents came to Germany. Ozil was born in Germany. Family out of harm’s way. Not to mention Emre Can declined the invitation.

Based off his statement it sounds like he would do it again. He’s a German citizen not a Turkish one and willfully posed for propaganda purposes. Not to mention the climate in Germany building up to the Turkish election where the German government had to step in as Erdogan was basically having election rallies in

such a dumb take. Ozil has no family in Turkey unless they are distant relatives. Get your facts straight before being a dumbass.

Apparently you didn’t see how Salah reacted to this. The Egyptian FA sanctioned this stuff and chose to base the team in Grozny. Salah at least boarded the apology and anger train. Apples and oranges, idiot. The situations are not the same. People with stupidly dangerous opinions need to shut the fuck up.

Most of his family is in Germany how do you think he got there. Again he has a brain he didn’t have to attend the event.