
Not a chance, he did not have to go to the event and he knew what he was posing for when he took that photo. Incredibly naive beyond any comprehension given the climate in Germany with Erdogan basically trying to stage election rallies in the country.

Learn to write.

He pulled this condescending bullshit on me once when i replied to an article stating Lonzo ball would not significantly improve his shooting % during his NBA career. He fully believed that somehow, magically, Lonzo Ball is going to improve like 10 -15% from the 3 point line in his career. It was fun pointing out

Polynesian is the best.

Do you realize how young he is. it’s a bullshit excuse. His daughter would be of an age that she can’t play Fortnite and would be sadly forced to watch daddy dearest play.

Umm you do realize what 5th division football is like in a place like Austria. They really only have 2 divisions of pros so imagine what’s happening down at Division 5. These aren’t even fringe pros, are amateurs, have real jobs, and don’t train every day, as noted by the beer gutted goalkeeper.. This is every bit a

Wow, you are a complete dingus. You can’t jump with your arms behind your back. They never do. Arms are tucked on free kicks or blocking shots. The French player missed the ball and ducked out of the way. The player had no chance to move as he was coming down. Go ahead and jump with your arms behind your back while

I like how the author would conspire anything to make it seem like the “phantom offside” had any meaningful impact on the game. Fact is the flag didn’t go up until the ball was out of play and Kane had already blasted it off the post. Had it gone in, it would’ve been reviewed. As we have been reminded of numerous

Nope, just really shitty.

Papa John’s puts sauce on their pizza? 

Not a chance. The dough is tasteless and often undercooked, they don’t put enough sauce on the pizza either. It’s garbage and is legitimately the worst pizza i have ever eaten.

I can provide you a couple links.

You forgot the part where they transfer for the inflated paychecks, ride the pine until the contract runs out, and then leave City. Not many leave City before the contract runs out, because they aren’t getting that money on the next stop. This is the reason why they almost or do ruin their careers. 2 or 3 prime years

Ha, clearly you’ve never stepped up to the spot. Being in or out of shape has nothing to do with it. If you can kick with power you will definitely score at least 2 out of 10. A world class keeper that stands there and waits for you to kick will be helpless. You have no time to read the flight of the ball if it’s

Strong sucks. He is far and away the worst broadcaster at this tournament. As for American announcers they just don’t have the feel for the game. I don’t know how they get there, because even though JP has been doing this forever he’s still off it. Derek Rae is clearly the best out of that lunch pail team they

Worse than baseball, watching Bull Durham.

They had no respect for the people or the places they went. Fuck em.

Correct take. Their wanton disrespect of the world’s natural wonders and their precarious existence is reason enough for me to not care one iota. They were selfish glory hounds who then espoused other people to do the same bullshit. They were doing something incredibly stupid, yet again, and paid the ultimate price

A childless dumbass alert. And if you have kids it’s an even worse take. You’re either a timid, balless pencil pusher or a wuss. Neither is a good look.

He got beat? Are you watching the clip? Young tried to pull the Harden and buy a shooting foul. What’s really funny is how weak Trae Young is when he tries to push him down.