
You’re an idiot.

It’s been clear for a while now that Ronaldo is a much better leader than Messi. Not just this torney.

You might want to get your eyes checked because after the ball glances off his face it went off his shoulder into the goal.

Spain’s run from 2008 to 2012 also fits neatly with the biggest doping scandals in Spanish sport history. When they not only passed the ball like robots, but ran around pressing with no signs of fatigue on the few occasions they lost possession.

I’ve followed your back and forth and you are clearly biased toward Spain. Less entertaining? How so? There is nothing less entertaining than watching a team make sideways passes for 75% of the game. I follow Germany and did the exact same garbage shit for 3 games and went home. They deserved to go home.Spain deserves

Did you see what happened in Switzerland and Serbia? If that wasn’t called, this never was going to be.

Spain got a fluke lead and then proceeded to pass the ball around their defense for about 20 straight minutes until Pique’s clearly intentional handball. Then they did after that too. They deserved to lose. Spain does not play pretty football, neither does Barcelona, especially when a team packs it in. I believe they

Not true, going for that weapon on multiple occasions from close range. White or black you are dead in America.

Moron alert!

because it did. he punched him on one side and got the elbow on the other

Unless you’re blind his fist caught the cheek of the player. And since it happened it should’ve been red, but the ref was a chicken shit to red card ronaldo.

Might’ve been wise to post this before the game started and before they were losing.

At least Donovan isn’t taking another sabbatical in Cambodia again. How did that not raise red flags?

You have your terms way off bud. This isn’t college sports. There aren’t conference points. It’s a set amount of teams from each federation. Doing well doesn’t change it. The only thing that could change is seeding in your own qualifying groups, which only benefits the team doing the winning.

Given the culture of sports I’m not sure what the author is going for. It’s clearly meant to be homophobic in this case. Then to go off on a tangent to try to justify why it is not as bad as it seems is sheer lunacy and a page out of Donald’s playbook.

Good thing you didn’t forget the comma.

I’m not sure what you are rambling about, but the host country has little jurisdiction over what is happening in these stadiums. If this was not a FIFA sanctioned event then yes it would be for the Russians to do something about it, but I can almost guarantee that no matter where this happened any country would do

You are an idiot.

Have you been to Russia? How do you know it’s very bad? And if you are walking around with your head on a swivel than it’s not exactly safe.

This article is on par with a Trump speech in that it leads to misplaced anger and a rise in strong opinions people clearly don’t know enough about. It’s clear the author also doesn’t understand, just like Trump doesn’t understand issues.