
Exactly, and the point everyone keeps failing on is that Chechnya is in no means representative of the rest of Russia and nor should it be characterized that way. Outside of thos Muslim provinces there has been laws and propaganda, but for the vast majority of gay Russians in this area it is the same as it is here in

You can’t even draw a line between Qatar and Russia. Qatar is till far worse. As for Russia it’s been pretty similar to the US for most of it’s time in that you don’t go around espousing your homosexuality to everyone. It’s only recently, very recently, that this attitude has changed in the US. If you still do this

Dellacamera is completely inept. It’s like he has zero emotion toward the game and can’t hit cues from the game correctly. It’s like he is thinking how to react to what just happened and raises his voice comically and out of sync with the moment.

The announcing is shambolic. The Fox “talent” doesn’t know how to call a game or keep it mildly entertaining. There are many announcers available that could have been borrowed that understand the nuances of the game and especially the global game. People who watch international soccer expect more. There is a reason

Everyone wants to dismiss the fact that the English are also common denominators in pretty much any international hooligan dustup. Not to mention groups of young English men are the worst fucking people on the planet no matter where they are. I’ve witnessed them destroy plane cabins and leave it a mess, stag parties

Having grown up loving the sport and still enjoy watching it, if not just for the beautiful shots of the Italian and French countryside, Froome is the new Lance Armstrong and Sky is the USPS. Suffering through the times of rampant doping and seeing how Froome dominates it is completely implausible to not believe he is

If there was a dog owner before this cip started that i would peg as inept it surely would’ve been obese woman in stupid hat with a shirt that says “let’s get weird”

You really underestimate the pull of the USA as a travel destination. Granted it would be nice to think people would stay away because we have a child in charge of the country, but here’s a sullen reminder that Europeans love coming here because everything is much cheaper for them. They will be chomping at the bit to

Fun, PED related injury. Muscles ripping away from bone. How unnatural.

How long are you sitting there? Taking a leak even if you farm it out should never result in this. See a doctor.

It’s great in theory, but by the time a zipper merge is necessary the congested lane already has cars inches apart. The problem is that nobody wants to let anybody in because they are driving way too close together, This also exacerbates traffic jams. The problem is if you don’t drive bumper to bumper people that had

This is why when the halftime whistle is blown the half is over. It was a complete joke.

As opposed to the Jayhawks  plethora off court issues that didn’t translate into any meaningful punishment. Sure, bub. Yep, let’s be happy this steaming criminal shit heap is still in the tournament.

Yep a guy who can’t get into Italy’s squad solely because he plays in MLS. The league is not respected and Giovinco probably deserves a spot, but it’s worth noting that no current European international that has a squad in the World Cup plies their trade in MLS. Also Italy dropped Pirlo after coming to MLS. They know

Yep about 3 guys, loads of competition. And please don’t use any people who washed out of Europe as examples.

Look, there is no debate that Billy writes woeful articles. However, in the grand scheme of global soccer MLS rightfully has the stigma as a retirement league. Your statistic of Avg age/ Avg age of international is more than meaningless. When a guy like Giovinco can’t break into his squad mainly for playing in the MLS

It’s just not a funny joke. That should be your takeaway dipshit.


Yep a handful of instances in 14 years. I’ll agree this is on purpose, but it all didn’t just happen last night. 8 video clips and we should martyr the guy, right? It’s pretty overt stuff, but you have role and amazingly the guy can actually play. Being tall helps but you don’t make it 14 years in the NBA being