
McGee? Are you retarded? There’s a reason kerr plays this lump before mcGee because he can trust him on the floor. Have you seen McGee’s career?

Yep, get rid of a serviceable backup center that has been in the NBA since 2003 has a higher FT% than almost all of his counterparts in that position and gives you solid points and rebounds in about 20 minutes a game. Sure, run him out of the league. These articles are beyond pointless and stupid.  Burneko proves his

It was awesome and the perfect strategy.

really dark, but take the +1

There’s a lot of bickering on this thread. I can clear it up simply. MLS is shit. It’s a crap league, they lose players to Mexico, still only get fading stars, and is completely unwatchable after you spent a morning watching EPL, Bundesliga, games etc. Abandon the league, abandon their crap system, and don’t spend a

Deadspin soccer articles, home of some of the most uninformed parts of the commentariot. The way Henry presented this argument is dubious at best and does give hints of full blown racism. However, the general feeling toward African players on the continent and just not in England is they quit when they get paid or are

It’s hard to believe that Billy has a bad take and can’t call it what is one-upsmanship unsportsmanlike bullshit.

This whole issue is a farce until women decide whether they want to be equal or objectified. It can’t go both ways. When you have people like the Kardashians and all of this garbage on tv like Real Housewives, etc and women aspire to that then this movement lacks cohesion. If part of the the group you are allegedly

Arsenal seeking 30mil + for giroud is just insane. They paid 12 mil for the guy. If they are serious about competing making this deal happen at any ost is needed. To barter over a few million to improve your team drastically is ridiculous and shows that Arsenal(Kroenke) value the business more than the team. It’s

Not only was that a goaltend, it also wasn’t a 3 by Curry. He’s clearly on the line. I’m a ref and I routinely do 2 man games and even with more of the court I never miss this. The ref is right there. It’s such an obvious call not to miss.

Just dunk, don’t hold onto the rim, especially when you’re on that trajectory. A swing and a miss.

If the Serb wanted to fight Afflalo would’ve got planted in the ground.

Completely wrong. Totally different skill sets. WTF are you on? Models and cheerleaders are not interchangeable.

What do you expect from a part time seasonal gig?

Feminist bullshit over-reaching again. There are clear areas where there is definitely gender discrimination, important things, like pay and healthcare. However, this is a job that is paid, that people want to do, if no one wanted to do it then it wouldn’t be a thing, but guess what not all women are on the feminist

Hey dipshit, you might want to look at how much cheerleaders get paid for professional sports teams and the all the shady promotional shit they have to do before you say they don’t get fucked over.

Which they definitely did and stated they did. It was weird that it even got this far. This should have been taken care of before they started playing.

Drugs and alcohol don’t mix. Say it again Drugs and alcohol don’t mix. Especially mood stabilizers. The paranoia is the interesting part.

If you spent as much effort into looking at the stats than being a condescending asshole you’d realize you’re a fucking idiot.