
I’m not embarrassed bud. You play basketball? My father played college basketball. I wasn’t gifted with that height but I know how to shoot a ball. I’ve taught people how to shoot a ball. good luck getting people to break bad habits once they pass a certain age. Jason Kidd was a shit shooter his entire career, Shaq

Another complete fucking moron who can’t understand that the world doesn’t revolve around the USA and that other countries have laws too.

OMG you are fucking dumb. The rules have nothing to do with the USA. It has to do with the destination country. You would still have the same fucking problem. Get your head out of your ass.

Actually, you’re stupid. The destination countries have maximum amount of times you can stay in the country on a passport only. 3 months, 6 months etc. When you travel they don’t know if you are staying a week or 6 months. They assume you stay the 6 months and want you out before your shit expires. Not to mention

Hey dipshit some countries will let you stay in the country 3 to 6 months without a visa on your passport. It is built fucking in that’s why the asshat author got denied boarding. The destination country has no idea how long you intend to stay so they assume you will stay the maximum amount of time allowed. The author

The amount of people that responded with zero knowledge on the subject and assumed that the author is correct is mind numbing. Thank you for giving this thread hope. Not to mention some passport offices take your photo for free.

Guess what some Passport offices offer photo services and you don’t have to pay for the photo! This generally applies when you aren’t a total fucktard and prepare for your trip in advance. You know do a little research when you leave your country. It tends to help and alleviate travel nightmares. Secondly you can take

I don’t blame anybody, but the traveler. It is not the airline’s responsibility. Some travel sites don’t even require you to put passport numbers in when you book the ticket. You as the traveler need to prepare for your fucking trip. The information would have literally taken you 30 seconds to find on the internet and

It should be a flagrant 2 and ejection for Davis. He purposefully elbows an opponent in the head. NBA refs are chickens and a disgrace.

This x 1000.

As a long time basketball player and a decades long official in said sport the answer is No, No, No and as a highlight truther Saric walked before he even dribbled.

You clearly don’t know how modelling works. No gig they have is 52 weeks a year. They are represented by an agency who finds them work at various places. The contract is one and done unless you are lucky enough to get signed on as a brand rep. Being a grid girl is one of these many one and done contracts a model gets

Hey dipshit, it’s modelling work. Is all modelling work bad? Being on a runway with your nips exposed and 90% of your butt out in clothes designed by men. Yet even though the costumes of grid girls are far less objectifying and usually based on the nations traditions is somehow worse because of the environment?

But the Victoria’s Secret fashion show on a national network is fine? And women have no problem with this and celebrate it. Sure this whole realm of what is acceptable and isn’t makes no sense at all.

These takes from female writers are getting absurdly annoying. First Hulkenberg is far from a mediocre driver and when you look at what he does compared to teammates it’s obvious. Secondly, we all know why they are on the grid, but they aren’t scantily clad, the models enjoy it. what’s the problem?


Vaduz from Lichtenstein plays in the Swiss League

Raiola, engineers moves of his clients just to keep getting those percentages. He’s despicable. The players are just pawns in his get rich scheme as the clubs are paying Raiola more than his clients. He wants his players to move. He will make a crapload more money if Donnarumma leaves Milan than if he signs a fatter

You can’t watch cycling and ever truly believe that Froome and Sky were clean. Of course he’s a cheat and a fraud. I’ve had the same opinion of him as I did of Lance in his prime. And we saw what happened to Lance. Froome is one and the same.

Amen to that!