Looks photoshopped. Also, no need to switch usernames.
Looks photoshopped. Also, no need to switch usernames.
Apropos of everything. 13.5G per 100G cockle serving? Seems good. But how many of those f*ckers do you have to eat to get to 100G? Also thank you. This is taking my mind off things.
Well lucky you. I thought the white had all of the protein. Now I learn it only has about 60%. Seems a strange thing to be devastated about. Haha.
God dammit. Until now I thought that the white had all the protein. Now, thanks to you, I find out that the white has only ~60% of the protein. This is pretty infuriating but it’s a fact so we’ll have to just deal with it.
Ten egg whites is no big deal, esp if they aren’t jumbo. You should always be getting jumbo eggs because the jumbo part is just more of the white stuff which is where all the protein is located. Ten yolks is a big deal and this guy should beware. Too many yolks.
Look at that jawline. That is a murderer’s jawline.
No. You do that instead of me.
It’s not that he’s making a hard shot look easy. That really is an easy shot.
Dismiss cgo2370, he’s really mean and a bigtime doof.
He’s all talk and says a version of this every time. Every time!
The easiest and quickest way to make people aware of the problems they face is by making their morning and evening commutes twice as long. That gets attention and that’s what we need to be doing.
I knew you were Canadian. I knew it.
We have got to vote out the centrist core of the party. Funny thing is I guarantee you that they want to remain in power so badly that they run again in their same districts as Republicans. Honestly their policies wouldn’t be any different.
Biden won’t do anything so long as he’s got a 32 point lead over Bernie.
He’s 1/3 Pakistani so yes.
You mispelled “geniuses.”
Speaking of TIME, have you seen the new cover about South Africa? It’s photoshopped.
America is a union GTFO now!
Just read this you silly goose.