
Does “upshot” mean “The Good News” or something?  Upshot?  Never heard that before.  Are you American or something more exotic?

fat face

This article made me think in a way I didn’t think possible anymore. It’s true. Breakfasts should be free.

Ok these comments are closed.  No more commenting on this one but you can still star my posts if you want.

Great article about racehorse meat. Thanks.

I wonder if defunding the military and redirecting those funds to something like universal healthcare or basic living wages would solve this probelm?

Everythign is a subjective term that your intentionally trying to use literally.

In 400 years aliens will be robbing our cemeteries for science and we’ll deserve it.

I believe we can have a polite discussion without using the S word.  

As someone who has never been to Tennessee, let me say that Taylor Swift basically destroyed your state last election.  Blackburn was gonna lose, but then NYC darling billionaire T Swift shows up to tell the normal folks in your state how they should think and the result was obvious.  Extreme blowback from Joe

Ok, if you make say $77k/year here’s how it goes.  Mortgage = $55k/year.  Food = $12k/year.  And taxes take the rest basically.  So now you have about $40k/year you have to fork over with no requirements on how to spend it.  Now you have to sell your house and get a second job so you don’t even have free time or a

Divorce law exists because sometimes two people just can’t get along anymore and it’s better if they just go there separate ways and for some reason the woman gets to take everything including whatever little speck of hope the guy has left.

For all you know I’m a twerp too.  Just saying it’s offensive that’s all.

Well I don’t think it was but I’m open to learning.  So if you can explain it in a sensible way I will listen to you.  Until then your just trying to shut down the conversation because you have no point.

No, it’s not stupid.  And no, I’m not a misogynist.  I voted for Hillary and plan to vote for Kamala.  I marched in two Women’s Marches.  I own a TFIF shirt.  I care about women’s issues and I put my money where my heart is.  I speak out against your injustices.  But I don’t like how everyone is so down on single

“Twerp” implies physical weakness and is a term used mostly by bullies, FYI.

Cool cool cool so first over on Splinter it was shaming single dad’s about Joe Walsh even though he’s speaking out against Trump and over here on Jezebel it’s shaming single dad’s some more about his Federal Reserve pick.  I guess all of you are rich too because $20k/month in child support to a wife who is perfectly

No need to shame single dad’s who don’t want or can’t pay child support.  A lot of the time the statutes are pretty unfair, making the dad pay 50% even when the mom has a job.  That leaves him with 50% of an income while the mom has 150% of an income and often doesn’t share it with the kid because she doesn’t need

Did you even read the Mueller Report?  It’s all in there.  Not a conspiracy theory.

Too many senators are running for president and aren’t able to ask the real questions. Barr knew the members of the house harbored no such handicap. That is why he canceled.