The more I watched preview footage, the more I played the demos, the more I’ve been in the full game (until 4 am? WHY did I do that? WHY?), the more that I’ve realized:
The more I watched preview footage, the more I played the demos, the more I’ve been in the full game (until 4 am? WHY did I do that? WHY?), the more that I’ve realized:
I recognize that was a legitimate complaint of the game up to the first major patch, but I’ve had perfectly fine loading times on my basic PS4. This issue was resolved for me before I ever touched the game.
Like the Orcs in Shadow of Mordor, these mercenaries are the REAL stars of Odyssey.
Very, very excellent. Latte for everyone!
This was fun and funny. Thank you, Gita.
[Me, seeing the article link on Twitter]: Is this another one of those articles where...
Oh, I was absolutely lying. I have, however, beat ONE boss. Twice!
I read this, and now I’m at the final boss! Thanks, Kirk!
Keep going, Ann. Proud to have known you and proud of you for speaking out.
Not every game is for every person. I have enough experience with Cage’s work that this article convinced me: this game is not for me. The replies have not changed that perspective, though I have read them all. I have other options in video games and in narrative fiction, and I choose to spend my time elsewhere.
Thanks! We’ll aim for Gold by the weekend. :D
And this was the one review I needed to read to make up my mind on playing this game.
Not out for sympathy, but I am having a terrible day, and this article made my day two steps better. Still a Bronze day, but closer to Silver.
I...don’t know if I can read this website anymore.
If this happens, I will buy the game twice. Three times. Then weep as I remember the [SPOILER FROM ENDING C].
Why is NieR: Automata the best existentialist game ever? (Hint: It’s the boots.)
Wondering if there’s a sense of how much past clicks dictate future content, and how frequently you explore “new IP,” trying to create an audience for a new kind of material.
When is Kirk doing more video game music covers? I still go back and listen to his Undertale track regularly.
I can’t shake the feeling that you’re absolutely trolling us with some of these, but I’m also way too lazy to go check.
That’s fair. :D