Gamecock Fan

As well she should! And I definitely think she can be an asset to Dany and deserves a place on her small council. I'm just saying if I were Dany I'd be aware that Olenna has her own powerful motivations for personally seeing Cersei suffer, which is a slightly different goal from Dany's.

I loved Melissandre giving Dany's a little ego check when Dany assumed Melissandre was coming to her because she thought Dany was The Prince[ss] That was promised. Dany's all like, "Of course this prophesied hero is me, right," and Melissandre was like, "Well, maybe? I've been wrong before. Let's just say you're

Thanks for the correction! At least that's something. Leaving BoJack out of the Best Animated Program field when it's probably the best show on television is still a bit snubby, though.

BoJack gets snubbed yet again. That's too much, man.

If this theory is accurate, and duality is the major theme, or at least one of the major themes, of Stranger Things, that might have been part of why they cast Matthew Modine.

That's a fair point, and the Riverlands siege and standoff was definitely slow. But, what it did for Jaime's character was great. We got to see him honor his word and started to get a sense of exactly what that would cost him.

I'm honestly not sure if he knows about them yet. I suppose that could be the trigger for his break from Cersei, I hope so anyway.

I hope he doesn't follow this path in the books. The show is completely off the rails now that they've moved beyond the written material. I'm not going to believe anything which happens on the show will have any relation to what will happen in the books until I read it.

That'd be great, but I'm not holding out much hope. His, "Fuck everybody who isn't us," moment was a perfect echo of his first season perspective.

They've taken Jaime from being one of the most interesting characters in the books to being essentially Cersei's lapdog again. I got really worried when he went to Dorne instead of the Riverlands, and that worry has proven true.

So, at this point, the show is only nominally connected to the books. I'm really not a fan of the way they have completely butchered the Dorne plot, nor of the way they just aborted Jaime's character development. Jaime is one of my favorite characters in the books, having on-screen Jaime run back to Cersei's side is

That scene with Kim, Chuck, and Jimmy was one of the most masterfully written pieces of television I've ever seen.

I'm not sure I agree about Kim's montage being about creating an opportunity and Jimmy's about destroying one. Jimmy is also creating an opportunity for himself to reopen his own practice and be the type of lawyer he truly wants to be. And, Kim's creation of her opportunity leads to her destroying her opportunity at

Maybe not, but Barry has been burned too many times by people he thought he could trust. I think that, if he found out Jay had been lying about how he lost his speed, he'd start to question everything they've seen from Jay. At least, I hope he does, because I'm pretty convinced Jay, or at least, the Jay we know, is

Caitlin might do that, yeah, but I think it would still be enough to plant a seed of doubt in Barry's mind. What do they really know about Jay? Also, what Caitlin thinks actually happened may not be what actually happened. Jay didn't get to finish his story about using the Velocity serum, what if the bad thing

What if Zoom isn't Jay himself, but is actually Jay's speed personified?

Also not if Caitlin didn't know what to look for. Zoom, in the books, doesn't actually use the Speedforce. His speed operates more like Turtle's in that he can control the speed at which he moves through time and simply appears to be moving incredibly fast.

I think Zoom is either future Jay or Jay's speed personified. Remember Caitlin interrupted Jay when he was telling her about what happened when he was taking Velocity. What if the bad thing that happened wasn't just Jay losing his speed, what if it was Jay's speed separating itself from Jay and becoming Zoom. When

We now have two instances in the last two weeks of main characters interrupting someone trying to tell them something crucial about Jay. Caitlin did it last week when Jay was revealing that his story about Zoom stealing his speed was a lie, and Barry did it this week when the man in the mask was telling them

Andre Braugher is an absolute joy to watch act. "I cannot. Even."